понедельник, 8 сентября 2014 г.

Alaska cruises will also give you the chance to tie your aurora chasing to some fantastic wildlife a

Getting to see the Northern Lights can be like organising a military operation. The places you need to visit tend to be slightly us air force information tickets and travel off the beaten track which means that as well as requiring lots of organising they also require lots of money – they’re often expensive. With this in mind a more economic way of planning your Lights trip is to find a suitable cruise along the Alaskan coast and if you find an all inclusive cruise you’ve cracked it!
It’s possible to find great value, all inclusive cruises from premium brands such as Celebrity , Princess , Holland America, Silversea and Regent Seven Seas and of course there are other companies offering similar cruises. You know you are going to have comfortable accommodation and have great food for your all inclusive price but there a few basics to consider when looking for your cruise and if you can stick with these you’ll maximise your chances of seeing the Lights.
First – time of year. Cruise lines talk about seeing the Lights on 240 days a year but I think a degree of scepticism would be best applied if you want to avoid extreme disappointment. The winter from September to April is best for seeing the Lights but not best for cruising. The cruise season is summer based but most of the major operators offer cruises that start in mid-September and some offer cruises in May. If you tie your cruise in with the all important solstice dates – September 22 nd being most important it will further increase your chances.
Next think local weather. Not always the best when you are on board ship. Cloud cover is likely to be more of a problem us air force information tickets and travel however, with more and more people wanting to see the aurora cruise companies are being more flexible with their schedules and it’s possible now to find cruises that stop-over in places such as Fairbanks and they will include hotel accommodation in the cost of the cruise which means that you will get a two or three day window us air force information tickets and travel for travelling outside the city limits, beyond the high levels of ambient us air force information tickets and travel light and improve your chances us air force information tickets and travel of seeing the display.
Ambient light conditions onboard a ship are likely to be excellent so if you are lucky with the weather and the occurrence of a display whilst at sea you should be in for a real treat. If the display us air force information tickets and travel is not perhaps a bright you can always ask the Captain to turn the lights out!
Alaska cruises will also give you the chance to tie your aurora chasing to some fantastic wildlife and scenery options. Look out for whale watching, grizzly bears and of course glaciers by the bucket load in such places as Hubbard Bay where the glacier has a six mile calving us air force information tickets and travel face. So as to limit the time spent in non-lights locations (lower latitudes) you’ll probably want to find a cruise that starts out of Vancouver.
Aurora Borealis Cruises , Aurora Borealis Trips , Cheap Northern Lights Cruises , Cruise Northern Lights , Cruise to Northern Lights , Cruises to See Northern Lights , Cruises to the Northern Lights , Cruising Northern Lights
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