пятница, 5 сентября 2014 г.

Prop 8 supporters had asked the state Supreme Court to stop the weddings, arguing that the federal c

You are using Internet los angeles county registrar recorder Explorer 6. Internet Explorer 6 is unsupported by this site and you may experience layout and functionality issues. It is recommended that you upgrade to a newer version of Internet Explorer or switch to another browser.
los angeles county registrar recorder In June, a U.S. Supreme Court ruling left in place a trial judge s 2010 order striking down the ballot measure as unconstitutional. On June 28, Gov. Jerry Brown ordered county los angeles county registrar recorder clerks to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
Prop 8 supporters had asked the state Supreme Court to stop the weddings, arguing that the federal court action applied narrowly and only to the two couples who filed the federal lawsuit challenging the ban.
San Diego County clerk Ernest Dronenburg Jr. also had filed an appeal to the state high court to halt gay weddings los angeles county registrar recorder but withdrew it earlier this month, saying his challenge was too similar to that of the Prop 8 backers to merit a separate los angeles county registrar recorder legal bid.
With little comment, los angeles county registrar recorder a unanimous state Supreme los angeles county registrar recorder Court allowed gay marriages to continue. The state Supreme Court didn t address the legal arguments of Prop 8 supporters, leaving open the possibility they may take their case back to federal court.
Backers of Prop 8, which passed in 2008, argue that the lawsuit permits only county clerks in Alameda and Los Angeles counties from issuing same-sex wedding licenses since the lawsuit filed by the two couple residing in those counties wasn t filed as a class action los angeles county registrar recorder lawsuit on behalf of all gay couple wishing los angeles county registrar recorder to be married in California.
U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker previously issued a sweeping opinion saying Prop 8 violated los angeles county registrar recorder equal protection guarantees los angeles county registrar recorder in the U.S. Constitution by denying the two California couples a chance to marry in the state.

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