понедельник, 8 октября 2012 г.

Disease Management: 1) Introduction and background of Damon Smith, new field crops extension plant p

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We are pleased to announce the schedule and topics for the 2012 Pest Management Update Meetings. avis car rental australia See the table with this article avis car rental australia for the schedule. Please check the dates and locations and reserve a date on your calendar. Registration details are listed at the top of the schedule.  Please pre-register with the host agent, as they have to make the meal reservations. Registration for a particular location is firm.  It is not possible for host agents to switch attendees and meal counts between locations on the day of the meeting, each location in the series is a separate event for registration and local arrangements purposes. Most agents add an additional "walk-in" fee for those who have not pre-registered.
Topics and issues at the meeting will review the 2012 crop year and field and forage crop management topics for next year.  The speakers will be extension specialists Mark Renz, weed scientist, perennial cropping systems; Vince Davis, weed scientist, annual cropping systems; Eileen Cullen, field crop entomologist, and this year we are pleased avis car rental australia to welcome Damon Smith, field crop plant pathologist.
Weed Management :  Annual Crops :  1) New herbicide updates for 2013 2) Update on Herbicide Resistance avis car rental australia in the State 3) carry-over concerns for 2013 and the utility of bioassays.  Perennial Crops : 1) Benefits of Roundup Ready alfalfa establishment systems on weed control yield and stand establishment, 2) Do some corn herbicides prevent establishment of grass with alfalfa the following year?, 3) Pasture weed management avis car rental australia after a drought what should we expect?, 4) Impact of Canada thistle on pasture utilization, 5) Poisonous avis car rental australia plants, avis car rental australia what to remember.
Insect Management : 1) Western corn rootworm resistance to Bt CRW corn – where is it? what trait(s) are we concerned about? why has resistance occurred? 2) Best management practices for Bt CRW traits going into 2013, 3) Recap on twospotted spider mite control during drought conditions, 4) Managing the expected and unexpected insect pests in alfalfa – potato leafhopper to variegated cutworm, 4) label updates avis car rental australia for insecticides and Bt corn traits
Disease Management: 1) Introduction and background of Damon Smith, new field crops extension plant pathologist, 2) Announcement avis car rental australia of the 2012 PMU survey, 3) Soybean vein necrosis-associated virus: A new and emerging virus of soybean in the Upper Midwest, 4) The 2012 drought: Reminders about mycotoxins in corn, 5) The status of wheat stem rust: Where is Ug99?
The schedule for the Wisconsin Pest Management Update meeting series is listed below. Presentations will include pest management information for Wisconsin field and forage crops. Speakers will include Mark Renz and Vince Davis, weed scientists, Eileen Cullen, entomologist, and Damon Smith, plant pathologist.
avis car rental australia All meetings will start with check-in registration and coffee at 9:30 a.m.  Presentations start promptly at 10 a.m. and will conclude by 3:00 p.m.  Four hours of Certified Crop Advisor CEU credits in pest management are requested for each session. The $35 registration fee per participant includes a noon meal and information packet.

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