вторник, 28 мая 2013 г.

The  Hotel Regency  in Flo­rence is known for its “vin­tage hos­pi­tal­ity,” and is an expe­ri­ence

To enter the  Hotel Regency  in Flo­rence is like going back in time, to visit a roman­tic place and era dur­ing which one expe­ri­enced life with ele­gance, lux­ury, pas­sion and charm.  As you pass through the for­mal entrance, greeted by the friendly uni­formed door­man, you feel as though you have per­mis­sion to shed your worldly cares and begin a jour­ney reserved cheap motels in las vegas only for mem­bers of a bygone aris­to­cratic era.  Indeed, this charm­ing retreat so cap­ti­vates and enthralls the guest that one begins cheap motels in las vegas to feel as if he or she might see a mem­ber of roy­alty step into the room at any moment.
At one time this posh nine­teenth cen­tury villa was reserved for the high­est gov­ern­ment offi­cials, ambas­sadors and min­is­ters of state.  Then, for brief period, it became a pri­vate hotel before pass­ing into the pos­ses­sion of its cur­rent owner.  Today this five-star prop­erty is a mem­ber of the pres­ti­gious "Lead­ing Hotels of the World" col­lec­tion and listed as one of "The Fine Hotels and Resorts" by Amer­i­can Express.  Sit­u­ated in a quiet dis­trict of Flo­rence over­look­ing the pris­tine Piazza D'Azeglio, cheap motels in las vegas the  Regency  offers a rest­ful cheap motels in las vegas ambi­ence with a feel­ing of pri­vacy and seclu­sion although it lies just min­utes away from Florence's famous muse­ums and his­tor­i­cal build­ings.  In the very heart of the Renaissance's most famous city, the Regency  seems like a mag­i­cal cheap motels in las vegas oasis allow­ing trav­el­ers to expe­ri­ence the trea­sures of the past in splen­did comfort.
One is struck imme­di­ately with the air of relaxed sophis­ti­ca­tion found in the wait­ing salon, sur­rounded by antique objects, exquis­ite cheap motels in las vegas period-piece fur­nish­ings, musi­cal instru­ments and majes­tic paint­ings.  One can only imag­ine the num­ber of dig­ni­taries who, in cen­turies past, must have been enter­tained in this very place.  Our hotel man­ager greeted us warmly and checked us in, and, after noti­fy­ing us of all the ameni­ties through­out this fine estab­lish­ment, offered a com­pli­men­tary wel­come Asti Spumante to be served later in the evening.  We were then escorted up to our room and intro­duced cheap motels in las vegas to its many fea­tures.  Open­ing the brightly painted cherry-red cheap motels in las vegas door, we found our room equipped with a very large king-size bed, by far the largest (and most com­fort­able) mat­tress we had seen so far after trav­el­ing for a week in Italy.  Our room came with wi-fi inter­net access, satel­lite color tele­vi­sion, mini­bar, walk-in closet, and indi­vid­ual cli­mate con­trol.  The bath­room cheap motels in las vegas was dec­o­rated through­out with exquis­ite Car­rera mar­ble and was stocked with plush Turk­ish tow­els warmed by a heater. Lux­ury bathrobes and cozy slip­pers, tucked away in our walk-in closet, awaited us for our evening.  Out­side our win­dows we gazed upon the tran­quil, cheap motels in las vegas man­i­cured gar­den cheap motels in las vegas with its many trees and shrubs.
Moments later we left our abode and invested a few hours in explor­ing some of the sights of Flo­rence.  After a hearty lunch, we returned to rest in our room dur­ing the after­noon, and enjoyed some of the facil­i­ties found through­out the hotel.  We dis­cov­ered there were thirty-four guest rooms, four of which were suites, sit­u­ated on four floors.  The hotel's pri­vate gar­den is an out­door par­adise, sit­u­ated just out­side the Relais Le Jardin , the hotel's mag­nif­i­cent restau­rant in which fine tra­di­tional Tus­can cui­sine cheap motels in las vegas is pre­pared by mas­ter chef Rino Pen­nuci (see our review of our most mem­o­rable din­ing expe­ri­ence in all of Florence).
After a rest­ful sleep in our cozy room, we awoke to a boun­ti­ful break­fast buf­fet served in the down­stairs lobby. cheap motels in las vegas Here tables cheap motels in las vegas were heaped with trays of home­made crois­sants, loaves of fresh bread and rolls, gourmet pre­serves, a selec­tion of nat­ural cere­als, choices of yogurt and a bevy of sea­sonal fruits freshly cut and art­fully arrayed.  Freshly squeezed Sicil­ian cheap motels in las vegas orange, grape­fruit and tan­ger­ine juices were located in pitch­ers on a sep­a­rate table in the midst of the Veranda din­ing room, fac­ing the lovely pri­vate gar­den.  A tray of meats and another of cheeses cheap motels in las vegas graced yet more tables nearby, along with a selec­tion of sev­eral cheap motels in las vegas kinds of pas­tries.  On another table there were scram­bled eggs and bacon kept warm in heated serv­ing con­tain­ers.  Once seated, our server asked us if we would like creamy cap­puc­cino, espresso, Amer­i­can cof­fee or hot choco­late.  Then, tak­ing turns fin­ish­ing one plate of food to sam­ple more options, we remarked to each other how deli­cious the pineap­ple, kiwi, and other fruits tasted and the fresh­ness of the juices and pas­tries.  What a glo­ri­ous way to begin a new day.
The  Hotel Regency  in Flo­rence is known for its "vin­tage cheap motels in las vegas hos­pi­tal­ity," and is an expe­ri­ence not to be missed cheap motels in las vegas when vis­it­ing Flo­rence.  Plan to spend as much time as you can when you are a guest there, cheap motels in las vegas as you will want to relax and dine with­out rush.  And don't for­get to make din­ner reser­va­tions at the  Relais Le Jardin  restau­rant , for what will cer­tainly become your most mem­o­rable meal.

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