четверг, 20 июня 2013 г.
“I would encourage anyone out there, if they’re going through adversity — whether it be a death in t
Nursing a torn Achilles tendon suffered in an Arena Football League tryout, the speedy wide receiver realized he may never realize his dream of playing professionally. And, truth be told, life behind a desk looked mighty bleak.
"I actually enterprise car rental in kaiserslautern germany dealt with mortgage loans, people who wanted mortgage loans and had fallen behind on their payments," says the Calgary Stampeders rookie. "I educated them and let them know all the options.
"I would talk to people who would be in homes that they grew up in with their mothers and their grandmothers. That's all they knew. When you grow up in a hom e like that all your life, you don't want to give it up, because you have the memories and those are things that you can't get back."
"I dealt with a lot of people who had just lost their jobs, got laid off, and they had to find a way to be able to pay for their mortgage loan," Hawthorne said. "If they didn't, their homes would eventually be foreclosed on."
At age 25, with the Achilles healed, he decided to give it another shot. First off, he tried out again for the AFL's Cleveland enterprise car rental in kaiserslautern germany Gladiators. They cut him. Then he attended a free-agent camp in Tampa Bay with the Calgary Stampeders.
"His plays, they weren't drawn up on the chalkboard kind of thing," said offensive co-ordinator Dave Dickenson. "He just made plays. I think he's a little bit older than your typical rookie, and I believe that showed up in the game. He wasn't intimidated enterprise car rental in kaiserslautern germany at all.
"He's a smooth runner," Dickenson said. "He's got really good hands. I think he's also smart. And he's still not 100 per cent healthy, so we would like to see him run like he did the first few days before his injury.
"Later on the next day, I found out that my good friend passed," Hawthorne said. "It reminds you that life is not perfect. It could happen to anyone. You're no better than anyone. You're no different than anyone.
"I would encourage anyone out there, if they're going through adversity — whether it be a death in the family or marriage or school or work — things like that are going to happen," he said. "But never give up on your dreams.
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Calgary Stampeders receiver Tim Hawthorne was dynamite during Friday s preseason game against B.C. Photograph by: Lorraine Hjalte, Calgary Herald E-mail this Gallery Print this Gallery Share this Gallery
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