вторник, 13 ноября 2012 г.
Back in my comfy coach-class seat, I couldn't help thinking how inherently Canadian train travel is.
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BMW will unveil an X4 compact SUV/coupe at next January s Detroit auto show, according to Autoweek. Sharing a platform and powertrains with the existing BMW X3 SUV, the new X4 is expected to arrive...
There was a time when train travel was considered the only civilized way to get around the country and, in our fast-paced world, there is still something remarkably refined about this mode of transportation.
As we waited in Moncton to board The Ocean, I was pleased that we would have the opportunity to join the final four hours of the trip, but I couldn't help feeling just a little sad that we would not have time to take in The Ocean's cheapest flight tickets to lisbon entire journey.
We settled into our comfy seats to watch the Maritime landscape outside the large windows. The train passes through wetlands, rural communities, tiny towns and along the oceanfront before cheapest flight tickets to lisbon it finally reaches cheapest flight tickets to lisbon Halifax. Watching the everchanging landscape was a highlight of the trip.
I used the time to thoroughly explore the train - visiting cheapest flight tickets to lisbon the lounge car, the dining car, peeking in the odd sleeper cabin, checking out a display of the flags of each of the provinces through which the train travels, and gazing out the back window of the caboose.
In the summer months, there is a glass-domed observation car at the back of the train, where passengers can take in a 360-degree view of the ever-changing cheapest flight tickets to lisbon landscape. Unfortunately, we were a few weeks early to enjoy that.
Back in my comfy coach-class seat, I couldn't help thinking how inherently Canadian train travel is. There's a reason Gordon Lightfoot still sings about Canadian railroads cheapest flight tickets to lisbon - the development of Canada's rail system in the 19th century was integral cheapest flight tickets to lisbon to the settling of the nation. Modern train travel remains a link to that rich history.
What: Voted by the Society of American Travel Writers as the best train journey in the world, the Rocky Mountaineer offers three rail journeys into the Canadian Rockies. Travelling during cheapest flight tickets to lisbon the daytime, you pass rugged mountains, cheapest flight tickets to lisbon waterfalls, valleys, and wildlife.
What: The Winnipeg-Churchill train completes cheapest flight tickets to lisbon a 1,700-km journey from Manitoba's capital city to its subarctic cheapest flight tickets to lisbon northern region in two days and with notoriously frequent delays. Taking the train is an adventure, but the adventures available in Churchill are even more exciting. You can see belugas in summer, polar bears in fall, and the northern lights in winter.
What: The Canadian is the ultimate cross-Canada rail experience. Travelling from Toronto to Vancouver in about three days, this long-haul train transports more than 100,000 people every year. Over the past two years, cheapest flight tickets to lisbon more than $22 million has been invested in the modernization of this train.
What: This one-day excursion from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., to Canyon Park,a scenic wilderness park in northern Ontario, is stunning in the fall when the leaves are ablaze with colour. The train passes pristine northern lakes, roaring rivers, vast forests, and giant granite rock formations typical of the Canadian Shield and allows travellers time to explore the park.
What: Trains depart from Stettler, Alta., to Big Valley and return about six hours later. Most excursions include meals, entertainment and a train robbery with an exciting shoot-out between the outlaws and old-fashioned law enforcement personnel.
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