вторник, 13 ноября 2012 г.

It was a blast into the 1920s, visiting the dining car and hanging out in the lounge with fellow tra

On a recent swing through the northeast cheap airline flights to chicago of Canada, we took the VIA Rail Ocean Route from Halifax to Montreal. Our ticket served as both a mode of transportation cheap airline flights to chicago and overnight accommodations-- cheap airline flights to chicago a hotel on wheels , if you will.
It was a blast into the 1920s, visiting cheap airline flights to chicago the dining car and hanging out in the lounge with fellow travelers. For me, an American, it was nostalgic to watch the world go by, interact with the porters and hear the clanging of the tracks. For the rest of the world, it might not be so foreign an experience. Canadians and Europeans take full advantage of train travel for business and pleasure. In the United States, though, the experience has been mostly publicized solely for commuter purposes.
That's a shame, because, frankly, train travel is the only type of long distance transportation cheap airline flights to chicago that truly allows for socialization between passengers (personal cars are the opposite of social, and planes and buses aren�t designed for people cheap airline flights to chicago to walk around and interact). In those qualities, the train emerges as something that offers travelers a much different experience. Social pleasantries aside, train travel is an excellent way to explore.
One of the reasons other countries travel by train more frequently is because they have better cheap airline flights to chicago options cheap airline flights to chicago than Americans (sorry, cheap airline flights to chicago Amtrak). The high-end �you can never be overdressed on board� Orient-Express has routes in Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. White-gloved waiters cheap airline flights to chicago pour Prosecco and all meals are included, with most trains supporting three restaurants. VIA Rail Canada just completed a $22 million renovation on its Canadian line , which runs from Toronto to Vancouver. Sleeper-plus class rooms give passengers access to the observation car, as well as hotel-like amenities, such as a private shower, turn down service, and even a champagne toast upon departure.

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