воскресенье, 11 ноября 2012 г.
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The UK's national noise reduction charity, the Noise Abatement Society, presented the Airbus A380 a top award at their annual award ceremony last week recognising the aircraft's reduced noise around airport communities.
There will be 10 daily A380 flights to Heathrow by the end of the year, which has the strictest noise regulations of any airport worldwide and is the benchmark on which noise measurement for aircraft is based.
Presented by Sir Bob Russell MP, the award recognises local authorities, industry, organisations and individuals judged to have been outstanding in their efforts to reduce the impact of noise nuisance or seeking to pioneer contiki tours australia practical and innovative solutions to noise pollution and the enhancement and management of the soundscape.
Lisa Lavia, Managing Director of the Noise Abatement Society said: "The NAS was immensely impressed with the reduced external noise emissions of the A380 compared to typical equivalent aircraft and with its quiet and peaceful interior contiki tours australia acoustics. This proves that with commitment and engineering contiki tours australia excellence noise pollution need not be the inevitable by-product contiki tours australia of progress. And that traditionally noisy operations and equipment can be made quieter for the benefit of all."
John Roberts, Airbus in the UK A380 Chief Engineer said: We are immensely proud to have received this award which recognises the tremendous work done by Airbus and our key stakeholders. The reduction in the environmental impacts of our aircraft is the result of constant investment and commitment over many years. Our industry is committed to greener aviation and in the last 50 years the aviation contiki tours australia industry has cut noise by 75%.
He added: "The A380 has been in service with airlines for over five years and is the quietest long-haul aircraft for the foreseeable future contiki tours australia generating only half the noise on departure contiki tours australia of some other large long haul aircraft and up to four times less noise on landing whilst carrying 40% more passengers. The A380 is also recognized contiki tours australia as having made a step change in passenger comfort by the huge reduction of noise levels within the cabin, making long haul flying a more enjoyable experience.
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About Airnation.net Airnation.net social online magazine delivers the very latest airline contiki tours australia news, rumors, insightful and entertaining contiki tours australia articles and community features for the airline fan and professional alike.... more
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