пятница, 16 ноября 2012 г.

To this point a young woman stated, “They don’t care about us.” She lowered her head and stared blan

Black females represent the fastest growing segment of the juvenile justice population. free united kingdom search engines Black females also experienced the most dramatic rise in middle school suspension rates in recent years. Six-year old girls have been arrested in Georgia and Florida for having a tantrum in class. A 13-year old girl near Chicago was charged with a felony theft offense after finding her teacher's glasses and seeking to return them to her, and a Los Angeles high school free united kingdom search engines girl was slammed to the floor of her school and arrested after dropping a piece of cake on the floor.
From these and other incidents in recent free united kingdom search engines years, it has become increasingly clear that punitive disciplinary practices and other criminalizing free united kingdom search engines policies that fuel what we understand as a "school to prison pipeline" impact the girls as well as the boys. However, a deeper look reveals that perhaps free united kingdom search engines the "pipeline" analogy is too linear a framework to capture the education-system pathways to incarceration for black girls.
In discussions with young women who have dropped out of school, or who are attempting to return to school following a period of incarceration, it is becoming clearer that we must think about the multiple ways in which racism and patriarchy marginalize black girls in their learning environments—places that have become hostile learning environments for girls who are too frequently marginalized for acts of "defiance" or for being too "loud" free united kingdom search engines and aggressive in ways that make them nonconforming to society's gender expectations. For too many black girls, schools are places where they are subject to unwanted sexual harassment, where they are judged and punished for who they are, not necessarily for what they have done, and where their experiences have been overshadowed by a male-dominated discourse free united kingdom search engines on dignity in schools.
In a recent focus group on the subject, a young woman spoke of dropping out of school after she noticed that her teachers were more likely to help the males than the females. She and other young women described scenarios where school faculty would positively intervene when their male counterparts failed to complete assignments or attend class. These teachers seemed determined to "save" the boys; but when girls behaved in similar ways, the young women described how they were met with harsh, exclusionary punishment or no response at all.
To this point a young woman stated, "They don't care about us." She lowered her head and stared blankly at the table in front of her, visibly convinced that there were few people who cared about what happened to her or others like her.
Unlike this young woman, I am not convinced that people don't care. Educators and other stakeholders are typically in this field  because  they care very deeply for our young people. free united kingdom search engines I believe free united kingdom search engines the problem might be a structural one.
The pipeline framework, as I argue in  Race, Gender, and the School to Prison Pipeline : Expanding Our Discussion to Include Black Girls ,  was largely developed from the conditions and experiences of males. As such, it may limit our ability to  see  the ways in which black girls are affected by instruments of surveillance (i.e., zero tolerance policies, law enforcement in schools, metal detectors, etc.), free united kingdom search engines and the ways in which advocates, scholars, and community stakeholders may have wrongfully masculinized black girls experiences, leaving them without a proper understanding or articulation of the relationships between free united kingdom search engines educational and other factors that are associated with their paths toward incarceration.
free united kingdom search engines We cannot focus exclusively on the conditions of males and hope to impact the experiences of females. Instead, we need a robust conversation about how to reduce the criminalization of black females  and  males in our nation s learning environments. We must infuse our analysis of school to prison pathways with the experiences of black girls, such that we can provide for and inform efforts to interrupt the school to prison pathways for  all  youth.
Race, Gender, free united kingdom search engines and the School to Prison Pipeline : Expanding Our Discussion to Include Black Girls   is the first in a series of reports from the author addressing the education-system factors associated with the disproportionate confinement of African American girls.
I appreciate your article and am interested in the entire series for research I m doing based on my own work with African American females. A majority of the popular information on the incarceration of the African American community focuses African American male. Clearly this problem will not be resolved unless the entire community is acknowledged as a part of the whole situation.
I agree racism does have a lot to do with it. Just look at the results of President Obama being re elected. There are likeness of him being hung, people free united kingdom search engines openly free united kingdom search engines wanting to be killed! Yet they are climing not to be racist! free united kingdom search engines Get Real! Then others are wanting you to sign a petition to with draw from the United States. Then you have that pizza man, among others, stating that because Obama won re-election they would cut back on the hours of their workers who make very little just to get the ones on the top rich! This prover racism is very alive today not just in the south! Check my postings on Fcebook under jameswilkes2003@yahoo.com . James A Wilkes of ATL
If possible check out a classic lecture by Amos Wilson where he talks about an alien spirit attacking the minds and souls of black/afrikan people. free united kingdom search engines ?? Where does the source of most of these self destructive images come from ? The media that we do not control at all
This situation is a mandate to Faith Base and Community Base Non Profit Organizations in Urban and Rural African Cities and Towns in the United States. It is beyond need and the demand is now in every arena and venue where Praise and Worship, Community Base Gatherings the After School free united kingdom search engines and Summer Enrichment program started or else this epidemic will rapidly free united kingdom search engines destroy free united kingdom search engines the very being of African Americans in this Nation. There are two many available programs if our established Clergy and Lay leadership lay aside traditional personal free united kingdom search engines agendas and begin the mission and purpose of the Faith Base and Community Base Organizations. It is our duty and mandate free united kingdom search engines to develop and re-develop free united kingdom search engines the existing African American free united kingdom search engines Communities both Urban and Rural.
As a Restorative Justice Practicioner and community mentor, I see way too often a system failing our young women. We must as a community (homes, schools, churches and organizations) stand up for change. It is the same as if you don t/didn t vote, your non-vote was a vote in itself. If we don t step up and nurture our young ladies, advocate free united kingdom search engines on their behalf, and let them know we care, the ripple effect will impact us all!

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