четверг, 4 апреля 2013 г.

I agree with you Frau Peterson i guess you sound Swedish/Norwegian, we are Germans and we love our f

The weight-based pricing is not new to the airline, which launched in June. It has been using the model since November, but in January the US Department of Transportation approved its international route between American Samoa and Samoa.
He said: "For example, a 12- or 13-year-old passenger, who is small in size and weight, won't have to pay an adult fare, based on airline fares that anyone 12 years and older does pay the adult fare."
I must admit William Cauchi it is a bit of a bind to be tall my mate back in Aussie is nearly 7ft. tall got a job to sit in a plane cause of the seat space, sit in a mini and also enter some old cottages with the low ceilings, best thing to do is to go by boat(ship) or over land. i am only 5ft.9 but a bit porky so i need to pay i guess.
the ones who are paying extra are the light weights who have to limit their bags. It is a common sight to see tourists in airports putting on one sweater on an other to reduce the luggage weight...but still the weight is going to be on the air plane.
whist sympathising with people's kansas city discount hotels plights and weight struggles it is a fact of life that payloads of aircraft(the all-up weight ) is a major consideration kansas city discount hotels as it impacts upon many vital functions of an airplane -not least of all fuel.That is why there are weight restrictions/limitations on luggage for one thing.
kansas city discount hotels whist sympathising with people's plights and weight struggles it is a fact of life that payloads of aircraft(the all-up kansas city discount hotels weight ) is a major consideration as it impacts upon many vital functions of an airplane -not least of all fuel.That is why there are weight restrictions/limitations on luggage for one thing.
don't know why, but since i read the article, i keep getting that old nr. in my head i just cannot shake it off. check it out on YouTube and see what i mean,: Hey FATTY BOOM BOOM-sweet sugar dumpling, doesn't matter if you'r big fat...etc., etc., 1975 i believe by Carl Malcolm. you'll like it, start singing it at Luqa, maybe they'll have second thoughts.
This is the best news I have read in years and hopefully all other airlines will take not and start doing the same. The airlines were right when they said that they considered it a sensitive issue. I get very sensitive when as a normal weight kansas city discount hotels and height person I'm stuck beside someone weighing over 20 stone knowing that I've just been charged because my checked baggage is a few kilos over!
Totally disagree personal weight must not be an issue,some people are big because they are buit that way not because they eat too much,other have health issues that keep them big .Not everyone is a size 8. Shame on whoever came up with the idea a bigger shame on those who agree with it.My mother was big but she ate little and thank God she had the chance to go to Australia before she died.
whether you're big or small everyone is entitled to the same weight of baggage which is unfair.. I weigh 65kg and can have say a bag limit of 15kg, someone else would weigh 130kg plus 15kg luggage... If my bag weighs 25kg I have to pay extra even though the fat one takes up a total weight of 145kg while I would still be 90kg total.. Do the math!
@Bernadette Mizzi. What difference does it make if you weigh 20 stone because you are built that way or because you eat too much? You still weigh 20 stone and the plane still has to use fuel to push that 20 stone through the air. Why should I have to pay extra for an extra 2 kilos of luggage when the guy beside me gets to carry an extra 8 stone free of charge?
As a rule Samoans are big people,its in their genes, if this was to take place in Malta, AirMalta will make a big profit on obese Maltese cause lets face it the majority of the Maltese are F-A-T reaching the Obesit scale
Asta -how cuttingly cruel your are !Also very accurate in your assessment,but why single out the Maltese alone ?As your claims could be levelled at a great other citizens of the world as obesity or excessively high BMI are clearly prevalent now throughout the world. with not just Samoans unable to fit in their genes -except in size XXXL and above.
At least we are not rude like you insulting the Maltese citizens who were kind hearted and gave you figolla's for free. I am a frequent traveller myself, am not fat or obese however was never given anything for free in any of the many countries I visited.
I agree with you Frau Peterson i guess you sound Swedish/Norwegian, we are Germans and we love our food mostly Pork i guess, so we have a problem kansas city discount hotels too same as the Maltese cause they do love their pasta and pastizzi kansas city discount hotels so do i, but we only live once, so frankly my dear i just do not give a dam, besides kansas city discount hotels we can afford to pay the extra cash, this is why we are in Malta to spend Spend - TILL WE DROP
But seriously.weight restrictions on a passenger's body weight has always been applicable when travelling on a commercial helicopter and it is only a natural progression that such will apply eventually to all fixed-wing travel.

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