вторник, 2 апреля 2013 г.

With a bit of searching (really, very little) I got a rental for $107 all in for my 4 days in fl. Yo

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This wasn t a mistake . People were booking car rentals with a discount code that required a paper certificate. The discount is still valid, but only if you have the paper certificate; therefore, it s not a mistake. The mistake was made by the person who originally posted this code. That person should have pointed out that this was a targeted hotel online reservations downtown montreal offer and required paper certificates. If the original poster did post the terms and conditions of the offer, then the fault lies with the other bloggers who did not convey this important piece of information.
Avis should honor it. I booked for this coming weekend at $9/day (which actually isn t way out of line for a weekend rate compared to Enterprise and Thrifty) and Avis notified me of cancellation the day before my departure (today). Looking for a class action law firm to get us all pennies on the dollar. Alert the media negative publicity goes a long way Fox should do it justice.
The mistakes by big companies tend to be obvious system errors that affect large numbers of reservations (like a mistake fare), or passengers trying to exploit a loophole that isn t being enforced (like this free reservation). Other than accept huge losses every time it happens, the company doesn t have much choice. Note that Avis didn t really cancel your reservation. It just said it doesn t think you have a legitimate coupon in your possession and asked you to prove otherwise. In cases where an individual hotel/agency is trying to squirrel its way out, I ve often found the corporate office intervenes in my favor.
When consumers make a mistake, it s usually becuase they booked the wrong hotel, or the wrong dates, or used the wrong name. Often there are 24 hour cancellation periods (at least for airline tickets). But some people just don t read the confirmation hotel online reservations downtown montreal details before clicking Buy.
Yesterday I wrote a long post in another thread about large companies usually honoring such things as IMO this *should not* be a customer s headache to find out if the coupon he s entering on a website had any specific limitations or restrictions, but it seems I was completely wrong with Avis
Just imagine you have a legitimate coupon for 2 *weekend* days for free, you try to book a car for Tuesday and Wednesday and the system *accepts* this coupon and makes this reservation for 2 weekdays for, let s say, $10.
It didn t happen with Avis though their system was absolutely capable of correctly figuring out what day you tried to book a car for it worked only for weekends. It didn t work for NYC Metro area as well. Apparently, there was *a whole set of automated logic* hotel online reservations downtown montreal behind this coupon. If this is a coupon for Wizard hotel online reservations downtown montreal members with a certain status, why the heck the system has not been checking this at the time of reservation while checking all other conditions (office location, day, length of rental etc)??
When I open almost every promo email from Avis, they always advertise Earn a free Weekend day blah-blah-blah should I believe it now or should I consider every such offer as a potential way to get my reservation cancelled later on?
Things like this just help me to create my personal list of companies that will not get even a dollar of revenues from me. Just an example, I ll never buy anything from Dell in my life due to a very huge problem hotel online reservations downtown montreal I had with their service in the past. This kind of experience IMO is much more valuable than possible satisfaction in court as I don t see any reasons for them to grant any kind of compensation. It s just unfair practice something not probably punishable by law, but punishable by customers walking away
I can t say I m surprised that these got canceled, but some of us made multi-day reservations that would actually have made Avis money. I had a 4 day reservation that was $93 for a full size car. Not an amazing deal, but it was quick and easy and I didn t have to search hotel online reservations downtown montreal all of the companies hotel online reservations downtown montreal for whose sale was best. Avis probably should ve cancelled the rentals that were less than $10 or something. They have just compounded their mistake and lost some customers and revenue.
back in the day, the mistakes were expolited by less people. Today with the blogs, thouands of people are on these kind of deals within hotel online reservations downtown montreal hours, and people are booking mutiple reservations , i bet the $93 full size car for 4 days doesn t even pay the fix costs associated with the car. There are no way avis could honor these without a writedown.
Let s say, I am renting a car for a week from non-airport neighborhood location hotel online reservations downtown montreal somewhere in PA (might well be FL, MA or anywhere else, just for example). How much it should cost in your view for a rental location to at least break even?
Just a couple of thoughts: I have recently completed a rental in France, when I rented Standard class car (it was brand new Golf in their definition of Standard ) for EUR 121 for 6 days, so ~EUR 20 a day or ~$25 a day. In Wash Dulles airport I used to rent Compact class cars for around $32 a day using National web fares in 2011. Was I also ripping of rental agencies or are those prices more or less fair?
I find it funny that everyone is complaining about the blogs ruining these promos/discounts/etc. I wonder how many of the complainers would have ever known these discounts to exist if they hadn t read the blogs themselves.
Rule #7 for reading blogs. If several blogs go agog all at once over a deal that is spectacularly too good to be true, it won t be honored. Perhaps there are exceptions now and then, but these are ones I always pass on. Here everyone is jumping on a targeted offer as though they were targeted.
The 24 hour cancellation policy for air tickets is not because of the airlines generosity, but because they are required by law to grant a 24 hour grace period. And some employees of big companies don t check their work before hotel online reservations downtown montreal making it accessible to the world on the internet!
It s has nothing to do with what I think is the fair price should hotel online reservations downtown montreal be. It s has to do with at what price they can rent the cars out then recover their fixed costs, variable costs, and make a little profit on top.
With a bit of searching hotel online reservations downtown montreal (really, very little) I got a rental for $107 all in for my 4 days in fl. You can t tell me $93 was loss making. No way. I m not super bent out of shape about it, but it was a pain, and they lost some business.
They absolutely should not charge the cancellation fee for prepaid res. yeah, they can correct their mistake, but it still was a mistake on their part. Let s be reasonable here. Especially hotel online reservations downtown montreal since they should want your business in the future, or even on this trip, just at a price they want.
Bunch O Whiners! If you did any research at all, you know that this offer was targeted to a specific population. Nothing worse than a bunch of people who try to abuse a program, then cry like babies when it gets pulled.
Avis offered to honor the promotion for those eligible for it. sounds fair enough hotel online reservations downtown montreal to me. I can t seem to muster any sympathy for customers who only want to get something for nothing. So now you some of you want to boycott Avis when you weren t even a loyal customer in the first place? Make sure to ask for your upgrade as well. Honestly, Avis probably doesn t want or need your business, and neither would I.
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