понедельник, 2 июня 2014 г.

You've obviously never been to Detroit. You sound like a scared, pussy-assed racist. Every major cit

Yes, the place alternately known as the Motor City or Motown has joined the likes of the City of Light, the Big Apple and the Land of Canals as the latest international big city to become the basis for a Las Vegas hotel and casino complex.
To enhance the illusion that you re in Paris, France and not actually in the middle of a vast Nevada hyatt hotel in albuquerque desert, the Paris Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas has its own Eiffel Tower, albeit a smaller version.
You've obviously never been to Detroit. You sound like a scared, pussy-assed racist. Every major city has crime. St. Louis, Miami, New York, Atlanta.... the list goes on. This article was horribly written and the author should suck a bag of dicks.
i second that notion, Detroit built this country... LITERALLY. The auto industry is argueably the biggest deal this county has to offer. Why do you think the country gave GM and Chrysler bailouts? you think if John deere, kenmore, or Taco Bell filed for bankruptcy right now the government would step in? no.. thats because if GM and Chrysler had failed, hyatt hotel in albuquerque the whole country would have failed. The auto industry exports millions of dollars hyatt hotel in albuquerque worth of AMERICAN cars each quarter to other countries. Just because this write probably grew up in Tuscon or Kansas City or some other city that doesnt have shit to offer he wants to put down a city that actually had a massive, (if not the largest) impact on modern america society. lets just keep it real.
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