четверг, 19 марта 2015 г.

It was confirmed from ZPZ that the current season of No Reservations on Travel Channel will be its l

It's official: Anthony Bourdain is leaving the Travel Channel behind and is headed to CNN. It's the end of No Reservations , the Emmy award-winning series that has run for eight seasons (the premiere was July 25, 2005). Bourdain tweeted that the production company Zero Point Zero will come along for the ride: "Moving with same ZPZ crew over to CNN to do another world travel show. Congo? Libya? Finally? "
It was confirmed cruise control repair on chevy trucks from ZPZ that the current season of No Reservations on Travel Channel will be its last ; currently the second season of The Layover is in production and will air on the Travel Channel. Reached for comment, Bourdain tells Eater: "Same production team, same amazing crew, same me--but the world just got a whole lot bigger."
According to a press release from CNN, the yet unnamed show will premiere in early 2013 and is "[s]lated to air domestically on Sundays in prime time." The new show will "be shot on location and examine cultures from around the world through their food and dining and travel cruise control repair on chevy trucks rituals." Bourdain also will "offer commentary on other CNN programs and platforms, domestically and internationally, providing insights into current events and debates around food and health and other cultural conversations." CNN is scrambling: With April 2012 ratings the lowest in years, the network is trying a more international approach to news.
The relationship between the trouble-making Bourdain and Travel Channel's parent Scripps (which also owns the Food Network) has always been a delicate cruise control repair on chevy trucks dance. Even back in 2009 when Scripps aquired Travel Channel, Eater National ran with the headline " Will Bourdain Actually Jump Ship From the Travel Channel? " Now it's finally happened.
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