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Some might dismiss Cruise s performance in this film. After all, it is a tentpole action film. I wou

YES! The man with 3 front teeth! When I decided to start doing celebrity Top 5 s, I wanted to do actors that would be challenging. I figured who better to start with than Cruise, who happens to have a hell of a resume. For those of you that aren t Cruise fans TOUGH! I think he is one of the most intense and dedicated actors working today, regardless of his personal politics and beliefs in aliens. So, let s get into it:
Some might dismiss Cruise s performance in this film. After all, it is a tentpole action film. I would say though that Cruise s dedication to the part is what makes these films work. While MI:2 is forgettable and MI:3 gets by on it s plot, villian and style, MI manages to shine by Cruise s determination to make a legitimate film from a cheesy TV show.
P.T. Anderson is such a great director that he can get actors to do just about anything. the sisterhood of the traveling pants movie pictures He even managed to make Cruise look straight and got him to say cock many, many, many times. the sisterhood of the traveling pants movie pictures This turn for Cruise is amazing because not only did he take a supporting role but he stepped so far outside his wheelhouse the sisterhood of the traveling pants movie pictures that it s almost the sisterhood of the traveling pants movie pictures jarring upon first viewing. Well worth the Oscar nomination that it earned him.
If you blink you ll probably miss how solid Cruise is in this film. Especially set against the sisterhood of the traveling pants movie pictures the background of a super cool LA hitman film directed by Michael Mann. Where Cruise shines through in this movie is in the subtleties. After all, this is a less is more role. Proof: Watch the manner in which Cruise does away with the would be robbers of his briefcase in a back alley. Cruise absolutely inhabits this character.
How good is Cruise? He can even make those Renaissance, Twilight style vampires look cool. While Pitt broods all over the screen in this film, Cruise manages to chew up the scenery every time he s on the screen. Again, a departure from his typical leading man action role I wonder the sisterhood of the traveling pants movie pictures if he shouldn t try that more often???
I m sick of people bagging on this film for being too over the top or sappy or cheesy or whatever. Jerry Maguire is a great film and it falls flat if not for Cruise s performance. the sisterhood of the traveling pants movie pictures Without his dedication to the ego, swarminess, depression and all out insanity that accompany Maguire on his journey to finding love, this film is a throw away quirky rom-com. I m of the opinion that not only was Cruise robbed of his Oscar (by Geoffrey Rush for Shine) but that Jerry Maguire the sisterhood of the traveling pants movie pictures is Tom Cruise s best performance hands down!
This entry was posted on October 1, 2010 at 12:01 am and is filed under Top 5 Performances , Uncategorized with tags Collateral , Interview with the Vampire , Jerry Maguire , Magnolia , Mission Impossible , Tom Cruise . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
Tough to rank Tom Cruise performances the films that stand out arent perhaps his best work as an actor (Top Gun for example). Magnolia is the one that stands out for me though. It was the first time I d seem him play completely against what he had appeared to stand for before. I d stick Eyes Wide Shut in there too, and maybe Rain Man.
Yeah, I m gonna follow up performances the sisterhood of the traveling pants movie pictures with best films cuz they aren t different lists. For Rain Man, I don t know his performance would stand ouit more than these. Eyes Wide Shut is seriously underrated and very outside the box for Cruise as well but wouldn t make my performance list.
Damn skippy man! You completely rocked this one! I m so happy you put Lestat in your top five. Even for people that didn t love the movie, his performance was a huge stretch for him, and so sexual, deviant, maniacal, and inviting. Everything the Brat Prince Lestat revels in.
I re-watched Jerry Maguire recently and remembered how much I fucking love anything Cameron Crowe writes, the sisterhood of the traveling pants movie pictures even when I m not a fan of his casting. (Elizabethtown) I m not sure I d put Maguire at number one, or even my personal five, but it makes me smile you had the kahunas to rock it at number one.
@CMRok: I like that list but not sure I agree about performance for #3 thru 5. I could see giving him TThunder. He s good in a Few Good Men my wife picked that one too and Minority Report is a good flick but not strongest acting wise in my opinion.
Collateral was a great role for Cruise. It s a new side of him that I wish we d see more of. I think it deserves the sisterhood of the traveling pants movie pictures a spot above Jerry but that s just me. Although, the more I watch Rain Man the more I realize Dustin Hoffman wasn t the only one who really made that movie work.
best Cruise performance? Magnolia is the obvious choice i suppose, and it probably is for good reason, but ive recently started realising that Cruise s finest hour might be Rain Man. he plays a complete dick and you totally believe in his character s transformation. if you didnt the film wouldnt work. Hoffman is great and got a deserved Oscar, but Cruise s performance is the real key.

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