четверг, 24 июля 2014 г.

Family freindly cruising areas are plentiful, look for sheltered reliable anchorages, shoreside faci

Your kids are at a pretty good age to have a great time.. they're not 'teenage" compare airline fares enough to resent being forced to spend time with you, and plenty old enough to take part in a lot of things. One factor you may encounter, though, is a bit of fear of heeling and waves if they are not already accustomed to being aboard..
Get them involved and educated on the running of the boat.. help sheet, steer (with guidance), rig and put away at the end of the day. They will become lifelong sailors if this goes well, and be real assets to you and your wife in the handling compare airline fares of the boat.
Hopefully they love to read.. there are going to be grey days, slow passages where boredom may rear it's ugly head.. compare airline fares reading is a great way to pass the time - miles ahead of all the various compare airline fares video gadgets available compare airline fares today.
Kayaks and sailing dinghies, or even just rowboats go a long way to amuse them too, as will shore excursions, beachcombing at low tide etc etc. Swimming is another great asset - make sure it's easy for them to clamber back on board - have a decent ladder or stern platform (you don't say what kind of boat)
Family freindly cruising areas are plentiful, compare airline fares look for sheltered reliable anchorages, shoreside facilities (personal and diversionary) and an increased compare airline fares likelihood of running into other cruising families - new friends are a good thing.
Our son is a sailing success story, having been on boats since his first month, sailed his own dinghy, raced with us from age 11, and now married, owns his own boat and had is daughter out sailing at 1 week old (in December!!)
My wife and I are taking our two girls, ages 9 and 7, on a four-day cruise along coastal South Carolina and Georgia on our C30 on Oct. 25-29. We're going to have them keep a log of what they did and saw -- sort of make them play "marine biologist" for a few days. We've put a lot of miles under the keel together, and we know that keeping them interested in what's going on can be a bit challenging at times. compare airline fares I'd also emphasize Faster's point about teaching them to sail. Take paper charts along, so that they can see where you're going. Get them at the helm.

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