среда, 6 августа 2014 г.

Oh my that is a very interesting and scary job you have there. People just don t think of the scary

And thats what we were hired to do ~ to go walk the forest, assess health of the trees and surrounding area, measure the trees, and record it all. We do this in what they call " taking plots"; predetermined specific spots or locations on a map so that you can get a general overall assessment of whats out there. On average we can do approx. 25 to 30 plots (about 200 acres walked) per day; the more detailed information needed, the less amount of plots per day as you need to spend more time on the plot. Accuracy is everything when doing Timber Reconnaissance work.
The equipment I carry to do this kind of work can be simple, but it can also be sophisticated. I always carry a silva compass, a folding pocketknife, and a lighter, basic woodsman tools. But then in my Orange cruisers vest I carry some pretty neat equipment; we use a palm pocket computer that has special software for Forestry inventory. I keep it in a waterproof and "drop"-proof box called an "otter" box. I also carry a leather holster with an increment borer in it. This is used to age trees, or more specifically, drill a tiny core into a tree, extricate the core and count the rings to see how old it is. If done right this does not harm the tree and the tree will naturally seal up the hole in a few seasons of growing. Then theres the little flags I mark the location and number of each plot on; I love it when the contract calls for bright pink...and we cant forget lunch; the calories I eat while cruising would make a teenage boy proud...although I have to remember when im not cruising that I cant still eat that way...Then theres lip gloss - cant forget the lip gloss.
Well, just because theres a map doesnt mean theres a trail or a walking path to it. So we walk. Through downed trees, rocky cliffs, talis, thick underbrush, a relatively straight line to where we need to go for our next plot. After all we are mapping the direction to these plots on the map as we go along. The locations of the plots are the same, but we determine how to get to them. And sometimes its a walk in the park, other times its a death march. Just depends on the location. And yes, thats why I dont walk for exercise lol.
Sometimes it storms out. Lighting and hail storms are dangerous, esp. when you are above 6000 ft' , there is no manmade cover to hide under and your truck is parked luxury hotels san francisco miles away. Thats where you need to find a low lying area to squat without touching any roots under the shortest group of trees, or find a low lying rock outcrop that has a shelf you can slide under praying theres no snakes...or absolutely last resort - pray run from the lowest tree to lowest tree to the truck like Alan Arkin in "The In-laws"...SERPENTINE!!!
Then theres the windy days. When you are standing and watching the trees sway from the bottom of the trunk up back and forth, you are what they call an idiot if you do not vacate. More deaths luxury hotels san francisco are reported from timber luxury hotels san francisco falls then any other casuality in Forestry. Plain and simple, a tree that weighs a ton and is gaining momentum as it falls will pound you into the ground. So we dont work on high wind days, period.
Wild animals are another story. Black bears in NW WI generally are afraid of people as there is a dog hunting season in Wisconsin. They dont care if you have a dog or not, they want to get away from you. So when we work in the woods, they hear us coming and they climb a tree unbeknownst to us. We stop to take our plot, and then they decide they will flee at that moment, dropping like a rock out of the tree and taking off. I had this happen three plots in a row once. Even though all I saw was the large backside of a black furred critter, it still is unnerving to say the least as 200 lbs of bear drops 20 feet alongside of you. Now I look up right away when I stop... and then theres Elk. Sleeping in dense cover on Northern slopes of spruce during the hottest part of the day, they are A LOT bigger then you think when you surprise them (and you!) from their slumber. Like the size of my horse, but with HORNS. Although it is amazing when you see them tuck those massive horns so that they lay across their back and they crash through the brush with their nose in the air...
Then theres cats. If you see a fresh kill of rabbit or larger, you can bet someone was just interupted luxury hotels san francisco from their meal, and is now watching you, assessing how you might taste. Best bet, move along. And cant forget the bees. If I had a quarter everytime I have stepped or kicked a rotten log accidently, heard the buzz and then heard Mr. Foresterman yell "RUN", I would be a very rich girl. Mr. Foresterman is a very quiet laid back guy. So if he gets excited, you bet Im going to listen. The most I have been stung is 4 times in one shot; but theres other times I have stood in the middle of the buzz going "wha?" looking at Mr. Forestermans horrified face and never got stung. So its a crapshoot when it comes to bees. And we always carry antihistimine just in case. And Mr. Foresterman does not walk alongside me.
Oh my that is a very interesting and scary job you have there. People just don t think of the scary parts, but the good news is you are in great shape physically from such a demanding job! I am sure it is very rewarding and you see things most people never will. Reply Delete Lana August 14, 2010 at 9:24 PM
Ya know what? I m sticking to photography. LOL. I m good btw, deep in wedding season so I ve been busy as heck. when you gonna FINALLY move? srsly. Reply Delete gowestferalwoman August 16, 2010 at 5:25 PM
Thanks luxury hotels san francisco KT ~ you are very right! With trees and nature generally, it can be so rewarding knowing that future generations will benefit from the work you do today; the oldest tree I ever aged was over 300 years old!!! Lana~ trust me sister, Im trying to get the heck out of here before this house wraps its walls around me and pulls me down to be its perpetual house cleaning slave! I saw your latest wedding shots - FANTASTIC! Reply Delete Add comment Load more...
Seriously; luxury hotels san francisco although I dont respond at all like most domesticated bloggers, in my own feral way in a darkened room after midnight when i have unlimited internet allowance due to my provider (whose not my husband, its an actual internet company) I will smile and be very happy that you have given me your insight to light my way. Seriously. why yes, i could use help with socialization with peoples, and you have just done that (or are considering...wait, dont go!) Thank you from the bottom of my feral heart...!
Permission is required to republish, copy, distribute, abridge, translate or otherwise reproduce luxury hotels san francisco any Go West Feral Woman Photography or content. Not that I am going to win a pulitzer or anything. But you never know...

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