воскресенье, 11 ноября 2012 г.
(Phys.org)—Intel will introduce two NUC barebone computer models for the general public by next mont
Dassault's Falcon graco metrolite travel system business jets are displayed at an aviation convention graco metrolite travel system in Geneva in 2008. A Dassault Falcon graco metrolite travel system 20 twin engine graco metrolite travel system jet took off from the Canadian capital Ottawa last month to test the new jet fuel, made from 100 percent oilseed, for engine performance and emissions, aiming to make sky journeys less polluting.
A Dassault Falcon 20 twin engine jet took off from the Canadian capital Ottawa last month to test the new jet fuel , made from 100 percent oilseed, for engine performance and emissions, aiming to make sky journeys less polluting.
graco metrolite travel system Two companies—Applied Research Associates and Agrisoma Biosciences—have partnered with the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) to develop a "sustainable source of renewable energy" for the commercial airline industry.
The rapeseed plants in full bloom and ready for harvest in the farms in Luoping, southwest China's Yunnan province in March 2012. More than 40 farmers in Canada's mid-western prairies were contracted graco metrolite travel system to grow over 6,000 acres of the oilseed crop that was turned into bio jet fuel by Agrisoma and Applied Research. "To date, all powered flight has relied on fossil graco metrolite travel system fuel. This flight changes everything: we have witnessed petroleum free aviation," said Agrisoma president Steven Fabijanski.
Engine tests at NRC's Ottawa laboratories prior to last month's flight proved graco metrolite travel system that regular jet fuel could be swapped with the experimental graco metrolite travel system oilseed variety without modifying an aircraft's engines or fuel tanks.
"For us it was the same," he said, adding that further analysis of the test data would show whether the new bio-fuel had any adverse effects on the engines themselves or whether reduced aviation emissions expectations were met.
"It turns into essentially drop-in fuel that looks and acts identical graco metrolite travel system to conventional jet fuel," explained Fabijanski, adding that increased oilseed production to make the fuel would not adversely impact food farming.
"The farmers that we use to grow this seed are farmers graco metrolite travel system that have land that is not particularly good for food production. By growing this seed you actually enhance or improve the land for eventual food production," he said.
The cost of production for commercial use has yet to be calculated. But Chuck Red of Applied Research Associates graco metrolite travel system insisted it would be "cost competitive" with petroleum-based fuel, when in full production.
graco metrolite travel system The only question remaining is whether the fuel actually lowers emissions, graco metrolite travel system including those linked to global warming; NRC scientists are now poring over the data and hope to deliver an answer within weeks.
There are varying reports regarding graco metrolite travel system the environmental pros and cons of bio-fuels, but I tend to think that this type of effort is really a small but worthwhile effort at energy independence, or more realistically, a reduced reliance on oil.
If you go to the Agrisoma web site, they claim to be able to produce 200 gallons per acre with their special variety of carinata. A Boeing 747-8 holds around 60,000 gallons. so 6000 acres should graco metrolite travel system fill about 20 of them, 2/3 of the existing fleet. The state of Minnesota was estimated to have 26,917,962 acres of tillable graco metrolite travel system farm land as of 2007. That would fill about 90,000 747-8's.
In crop rotation cycles of 3 or more years it is useful to let a field lie fallow for a year every now and then to help it regenerate. If their carinata has a beneficial effect on these intervals could be used to grow it.
(Phys.org)—Speech recognition in computers is an ongoing story with years of little progress in between. Even such programs as Siri have inspired derisive tales of how Siri renders flubs. Microsoft Chief ...
(Phys.org)—Intel will introduce two NUC barebone computer models for the general public by next month. These are tiny barebone PCs that will be available through online retailers. One of the two models, ...
A large international team of astronomers led by Jun Hashimoto (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) and Ruobing Dong (Princeton University) has used the High Contrast Instrument for the Subaru Next ...
Fat cells store excess energy and signal these levels to the brain. In a new study this week in Nature Medicine, Georgios Paschos PhD, a research associate in the lab of Garret FitzGerald, MD, FRS direct ...
The timing of flowering in plants is critical. It can have profound effects on flower, fruit, and seed production, and consequently agricultural yields. This process is known to depend on daylight graco metrolite travel system and temperature ...
Although schizophrenia is highly genetic in origin, the genes involved in the disorder have been difficult to identify. In the past few years, researchers have implicated several genes, but it is unclear how they act to produce ...
A team of Stanford chemists and engineers has created the first synthetic material graco metrolite travel system that is both sensitive to touch and capable of healing itself quickly and repeatedly at room temperature. The advance could lead to smarter ...
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