вторник, 7 мая 2013 г.

Copyright 2013 Accent Inns | A British Columbia, Canada Hotel website by Radar Hill Technology Inc.

Accent Inns joins the Family Support Institute in supporting families in BC. New Westminster, BC, November 30, 2012 – The Family Support Institute (FSI) is excited to announce a new partnership that has developed between FSI and Accent Inns. This partnership will benefit thousands of families all over BC and speaks to the level of commitment both groups have for families and individuals living with disabilities in this province.
Accent Inns has agreed to support the Family Support Institute in a variety of ways. They have donated several rooms to FSI for use by our families new york hotel reservations when needed throughout the year. They have also offered a special room rate to the Family Support Institute that is $5 below any advertised room rate with the Accent Inns. For every room booked, where individuals mention FSI and take advantage of this special rate, Accent Inns will also donate an additional $5 to FSI! This rate and donation are available to anyone who mentions FSI upon check in. The key is to remember to mention the Family Support Institute!
The Family Support Institute is a non-profit organization that supports all families who have a family member with a disability. We have a volunteer base of approximately new york hotel reservations 200 families who dedicate their time to connecting with and supporting other families in their communities by sharing experience, expertise and knowledge in order to help other families. Through the FSI network and our workshops, we connect with almost 10,000 families each year. The BC owned Accent Inns locations are Burnaby, Richmond (Vancouver Airport), Victoria, Kelowna and Kamloops. All locations are fully wheelchair accessible and family friendly. Accent Inns is a family-owned business new york hotel reservations that has made a commitment to being responsive to individuals in BC.
As we learn more about the Accent Inns and its history we are pleased to see their commitment and dedication to healthy communities. Since opening the first Accent Inns location new york hotel reservations in Victoria in 1986, Terry Farmer, founder, ran hotel operations with the attitude that every business has a responsibility to its community new york hotel reservations – something that Mandy Farmer has followed during her three years of leadership.  "Being a family owned business it's a real pleasure to work with an organization that has a real focus on supporting families in need. Strong, healthy families lead to strong healthy communities and that's a goal we can all get behind," Mandy Farmer, President and CEO Accent Inns. At FSI we believe that families are the experts, and ultimately the strongest voice, when it comes to their family new york hotel reservations members. We see a parallel commitment with Accent new york hotel reservations Inns and their business model. We are so pleased to share this good news about this new partnership. Partnerships such as this one are important to tell the general public in order to maximize publicity about socially conscious businesses and the ways in which these arrangements benefit everyone both economically and socially. Congratulations Accent Inns, for proudly showing your support to your communities and to families!
Show Tags accent inn , bc families , BC hotel , Burnaby hotel , families in need , family support new york hotel reservations , family support institute , fsi , kamloops hotel , kelowna hotel , mandy farmer , strong families , vancouver airport hotel , victoria bc hotel
Copyright 2013 Accent Inns | A British Columbia, Canada Hotel website by Radar Hill Technology Inc. Site design by Eclipse Creative . The content of this website new york hotel reservations is the responsibility of the website owner.

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