вторник, 7 мая 2013 г.

Mercury died in 1991 and is still regarded as one of the greatest rock singers of all time. Queen ha

Metal Hammer in the UK reported today that the rock group Queen is going to have a special performance commemorating the tenth anniversary of the musical We Will Rock You , which is based on the quartet, and as an added "bonus", will have a holographic image of their late singer Freddie Mercury , accompanying them.
Guitarist and co-founder auto bicycle carrier racks rental in europe of the group Brian May confirmed the news to BBC Television in England, telling them that "It's a little unfortunate that they did that thing with Tupac as we've been trying to make Freddie appear on the stage for quite a while." May was referring to the guest "appearance" made by a Tupac Shakur hologram at the Coachella Festival, held here in America last month. May also went on to state that the Mercury hologram would not sport the same technology used to bring Tupac to eerie life on stage, but Mercury's effect would be achieved as an "optical illusion of sorts."
Mercury died in 1991 and is still regarded as one of the greatest rock singers of all time. Queen has performed live and has toured since then on numerous occasions despite the large void Mercury created by passing away, utilizing Paul Rodgers (Free, Bad Company) in the front man position for a spell as a replacement for Mercury. Singer Adam Lambert ( American Idol ) was supposed to appear at Sonisphere 2012 with the group before the festival was cancelled recently. There is no word if Queen will do a tour with the Mercury hologram or if this is a one-shot performance as of yet.
In other news, the people behind the Tupac hologram have stated that they are interested in bringing the late Kurt Cobain of Nirvana to "life" with his own grungy hologram. As the novelty of this very strange undertaking of resurrecting auto bicycle carrier racks rental in europe the dead becomes more and more high profile as the weeks go on, one has to wonder about the biggest question of all, and that is, will we see a Beatles auto bicycle carrier racks rental in europe reunion soon? This reporter hopes not.
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