понедельник, 22 июля 2013 г.

I do like the idea of having a few rows that only have two seats instead of three and having an upch

No, that s not a typo in the title. As America s collective airline ticket purchase waistline expands, some airline passengers may be looking at even smaller seats on their flights. According to a report by TerminalU.com , airplane airline ticket purchase manufacturer Airbus may decrease the width of middle and window seats on its A320 aircraft models, which each offer two sections of three-abreast seating, separated by an aisle.
The move, which is still under consideration, airline ticket purchase would decrease each of the aforementioned seats by one inch (from 18 inches to 17) in favor of increasing each aisle seat by two inches (from 18 inches to 20). The larger seats would be designed to accommodate larger passengers or merely those looking for more roomy flights. airline ticket purchase And, of course, airlines would have the option to charge extra for the privilege.
For years, we ve been hearing horror stories of overweight passengers being booted from flights or forced to pay for two seats as per airline obesity policies . I m glad the industry is taking a constructive look at the issue and presenting possible solutions, airline ticket purchase but I m not convinced Airbus has arrived at the right one just yet.
Although airline ticket purchase an extra fee would likely be more affordable for larger folks than an entire airline ticket purchase second seat, there s no word yet on how much airlines would charge for that extra fee. And, while this idea gives other fliers the option to choose more seat room, it also means that more passengers may find themselves needing rather than wanting to purchase for-fee seats as the size of a standard seat shrinks. I also wonder whether those sitting in regular seats would pay smaller fares since their seats are smaller airline ticket purchase somehow, I doubt it.
And what about those who simply prefer sitting in the aisle? Some airlines already charge an extra fee for select aisle seats, and this would expand that unfortunate trend even further. Meanwhile, folks who prefer the window seat would have to sacrifice space to sit in their favorite spot.
I think someone airline ticket purchase needs to go back to the drawing board on this one. Perhaps this could be implemented for some rows but not all, or maybe some rows could include just two seats instead of three, essentially making each an entire airline ticket purchase half-seat larger.
This is a terrible idea. Seat pitch has already been decreased over the years so that even small, short (5 3 , 115 lb) people like me feel cramped. If airlines airline ticket purchase go this way, then passengers need to lobby politicians to start legislating minimum space required for each passenger. I m not usually in favour of political interference in business, but there must be safety implications here. Putting larger seats into some rows at a premium price is a much better idea than reducing the already cramped area. Oh, wait, they already have that: it s called business class.
That sucks! Some people just prefer aisle seats or need then not for room but for comfort (like a bad knee) a medical reason. So now we would have to pay a premium or get stuck in an even smaller seat? That s so not right. Of someone is too large for a seat then yes buy the extra seat or go business class or hmm do something about your size so you can fit. But why does the rest of the population have to pay the price? I don t mean to be unkind but I also don t want to have to pay extra to avoid hurting myself to sit in a squashed seat.
If it comes to pass, I ll look for airlines that don t participate. airline ticket purchase I shouldn t be made to pay more for an aisle seat, or have to climb over someone large just because I fit in a standard size seat. Nor do I want to be squeezed in between two large people. To avoid discriminating on the size of any of us, they could make all the seats a little larger, or make larger seats in sections, not take up all aisle seats.JMO.
Hmm, not a fan. I prefer the aisle and don t want to have to pay more for it! I also wonder whether the extra two inches will make that much of a difference to the majority of people who are too large to fit into the standard-width seat ie, will this be enough to solve the problem?
airline ticket purchase I am a woman with a small bladder and generally need the aisle seat to keep from making the people next to me get up twice (or more) per flight. I can t even make it through a two hour flight without needing the facilities. I believe this move would be a terrible idea. I already have to sit toward the back of the plane to get an aisle seat that isn t considered a premium seat.
I do like the idea of having a few rows that only have two seats instead of three and having an upcharge for them. I think the people who you are considering obese need more than just an extra inch or two of space anyway.
It is at a concept airline ticket purchase stage. Not even under design yet, and it will be the airlines that determine airline ticket purchase whether they want such a thing or not. I think if the public expresses enough distaste, it won t happen, since the airline buying the configuration airline ticket purchase woul be at a competitive disadvantage.
that is just not right. they already charge an arm and a leg for the tickets and also charge for the food and entertainment!..i usually like the aisle seat due to comfort and i could stretch my legs to avoid DVT since I have bad knees too what s more ? everytime gas prices go up, they increase the price of the tickets !
Yet another way the airlines have found to \squeeze\ their passengers this time literally! At 4 11 and small build, I too am already cramped. These airlines airline ticket purchase will suck us dry until someone (government regulators, are you listening?) steps in and stops them from dehumanizing the \cattle\ oh, I mean their paying customers any more!!! Someone needs to require that all members of Congress fly in middle airline ticket purchase seats on one of these planes. Perhaps then we d get them to agree on SOMETHING!!!
If we are looking for a vote on this issue, I prefer the 2 seat option, airline ticket purchase especially on international flights. I hate getting stuck with me, my traveling companion and a stranger flying in cramped quarters for hours.
We all have to look at the facts! Airflight is a business! I don t like much about flying at all ever!! Your body is Freight it should be charged accordingly!! There should be a variety of seat choices people should not
I am overweight-not obese. I am cramped in my seat when I fly, but do not spill over into another s. However, if I did spill over, why would I NOT be charged for two seats? And yes, there is business class for roomier seats for those who need them. Why should others suffer for my body size?
I need an aisle seat as I am claustrophobic. If I have to pay extra in order to not cause a scene, then I will be flying any other airline. Surely not all planes will do this, and it just may cause those who do to lose business. Completely ridiculous idea shame on who ever thought of it.Why cater to the oversized..that is just feeding their addiction !!!
A terrible idea. Why should anyone have to sit in a smaller seat? Cruel, cruel, cruel! Why not charge for a ticket by a passenger s BMI or width of their butt? The airlines are getting ridiculous. I am not overweight but flying is already bad enough without any attempt to make smaller seats. I ll just quit flying.
This is a major issue with me. I travel on 16-20 hour flights every few months and find the seats are getting unusable on some airlines but we can never know until we get to our seat whether we are going to be in pain or just uncomfortable for many hours. I am large..tall but slim, 6 3 and 188lbs, 32-34 waist and have arrived in such bad condition that it takes several days to be able to walk normally again. The last trip, on an airline I have flown a lot on, about 100,000 miles in a few years but decided to never use them again. The seat backs on this airline reclined more than normal so, with no place for my knees except pressed hard against airline ticket purchase the seatback in front, I let out a yelp of pain every time the woman in front tried slamming her seat back. I could not sit there, eat my meals or get out of my seat due to the angle of the seat ahead. I asked the attendant for advice and she suggested looking around for someone to switch with. I asked her to kindly ask the woman in front(who laughed to her companion every time she made the game of slamming her seat back) and she was very uncooperative. The attendant said she could not do anything but since it was a full flight, I could stand in the back of the plane. I did, for 6 hours, missing meals but was finally told to sit down even if it was impossible to do, there was nothing the cabin crew could or would do, it was my problem. The same attendant was besieged with other complaints, airline ticket purchase even by very small passengers, who really could not use their seats. My real complaint, other than the medical expenses of visiting a orthopedist to look at my hip joint(metal) due the the extreme pain I was in for days after the flight, was that no options were available, no concern on the part of the cabin crew, and no use of the seat I paid for. This is just one example of the shrinking seats. In past flights I have been sandwiched between obese people so I could not get out to use the rest room or use my arms to eat a meal for a 16 hour flight. Why is there no concern for average people who watch their weight and bad habits, airline ticket purchase but are expected to suffer in favor of those who are not responsible? I should get full use of my seat and not be pinned in while they get to eat and sleep. If fat people are charged extra, it ought to go to the thin people who are made miserable by the lack of consideration by fat passengers and useless flight attendants?
I was in agreement with you about the lack of leg room, the rudeness of passengers who smash their seat back without regard for persons behind them, the failure of the attendants to take charge of anything, etc. But why then join the rude masses with an attack other people instead of the airlines who have decreased the seat space overall? You think YOU should pay less because you are thinner than some? Should you then pay MORE because your legs are too long? Don t YOU make it difficult for oth

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