пятница, 20 сентября 2013 г.

Short-form content, while not offering multiple interruption points to place advertising, does offer

Short-form content, while not offering multiple interruption points to place advertising, does offer a significant branded opportunity especially with Digital Pure-Plays that benefit from extensive syndicated networks.
Long-form content offers the most opportunities to place ads, with the Linear+Digital channel showing steady growth and the Digital Pure Plays offering significant opportunities to increase monetizable inventory.
In addition, as travel brands have begun to understand budget rental cars auto sales the value of tablets for engaging lean-back experiences, video content is surging in popularity on these devices. Apple products are also posting gains, as much video content is consumed on these devices.
By focusing on users who area also consuming video on their mobile devices and tablets, brands can send traffic to their own branded apps. As these bookings convert more (via both user familiarity with booking on mobile and UX flow improvements by brands on mobile), the value of in-video ads will increase exponentially.
Even if a travel brand shies away from owned and branded content, a thorough understanding of what length of content provides the most compelling opportunities to advertise their products is essential to an effective, ROI-driven video ad strategy in a growing mobile-first reality.
In addition to travel, Nick is co-founder of one of the web's most talked budget rental cars auto sales about LGBT media sites, Unicorn Booty , and has opened a bricks-and-mortar restaurant called Booty's in New Orleans – serving street food from around the world.
First Name * Last Name * Email * Company * Industry * select... Travel Technology or Technology Solution Provider Hotel, budget rental cars auto sales Resort, or Other Hospitality budget rental cars auto sales Airline or Other Air Transport Cruise Car Rental or Ground Transportation Travel Agency (leisure, specialty, budget rental cars auto sales etc.) Online Travel Agency Travel Management Company (business travel, procurement) Meeting Planning Tourism or Destination Marketing Organization Tour Operator or Travel Packager Mobile Travel Services Social Media / E-Commerce Advertising or Marketing Agency Consulting budget rental cars auto sales or Professional Services Financial Services (banking, credit/debit, investment banking, etc.) Investor (venture capital, private equity, angel, etc.) Media, Travel Blogger, or Writer Education or Training Organization Other Cancel

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