четверг, 20 марта 2014 г.

Anyone have any experience between these two various ways. I am pretty fearless when driving and can

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I am vacilating between just renting a car from Naples and driving to Positano highway travel center findlay and then returning highway travel center findlay the car to Rome vs. juggling the hyrdofoil from Naples to Sorrento then either a taxi or bus to Positano and then the bus/car to Sorrento then the train to Naples which would then go on to Rome.
Anyone have any experience highway travel center findlay between these two various ways. I am pretty fearless when driving and can do a stick shift (have driven in Italy, Germany and Ireland) but have heard horror highway travel center findlay stories about Naples driving highway travel center findlay and trying to find parking at various hotels. We are staying at Excelsior in Naples and Villa Rosa in Positano.
We hired a driver to take us from Naples to Positano. From there, we took the ferry to Amalfi, highway travel center findlay Sorrento and Capri. We then took the hydrofoil back to Naples. We caught a taxi to train station and then to Rome by train. Parking is enough to deter me from driving on Amalfi Coast.
Hire a driver to take you from Naples to Positano (mine charged highway travel center findlay 100 euro last June). Then, assuming you are traveling between April and October, take the ferry from Positano to Salerno, then the train to Rome. You could also take the train from Naples to Salerno, then ferry from Salerno to Positano.
You can easily take the CircumVesuviana commuter train from Naples main stations - Centrale and Garibaldi - actually one big complex to Sorrento for a few euros - no need to Schlep the mile or two to boat docks.
I totally highway travel center findlay agree with ekc's advice above. Even if you think you're an expert driver ( and you may well be one) Naples and Amalfi Coast traffic in the summer months is like nothing else you've ever experienced. highway travel center findlay As our driver last year said, "You can only drive in this part of Italy if you know how to drive on the moon."
highway travel center findlay

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