пятница, 17 августа 2012 г.

There s one way in which Markowitz wants to make it easier to build parking in Downtown Brooklyn. Ci

This spring the Department of City Planning unveiled a plan to cut Downtown Brooklyn cheapest car rental in canada s onerous parking requirements in half , and Markowitz s recommendations [ PDF ] are the latest step on the way to enacting some type of reform. In some respects, his preferred parking reforms go farther than DCP s original proposal and a resolution passed by Community cheapest car rental in canada Board 2 this summer. The borough president wants to retroactively apply the reduced parking minimums to downtown Brooklyn properties developed since 2001, condition the relaxed parking requirements for new development on the inclusion of affordable housing units, and increase the requirements for bicycle parking.
While this bodes well for Downtown Brooklyn cheapest car rental in canada parking reform, it also indicates that DCP didn t aim very high with its original proposal. With local Council Member Steve Levin being an early proponent of reform , perhaps the complete elimination of Downtown Brooklyn parking requirements would have stood a chance.
Markowitz's bike parking recommendation is  attracting the most attention  this week, but his most significant request may be to retroactively apply the new parking rules to any development built since 2001, which would allow parking spaces that currently sit empty to be converted to more productive uses. Markowitz's position goes farther than Community cheapest car rental in canada Board 2 , whose land use committee voted 9-2 in June to support retroactive cheapest car rental in canada application only for projects that included an affordable housing component, after a vote to apply the rules to all existing development failed.
Markowitz does not go so far as to support removing parking cheapest car rental in canada minimums entirely. We should not make future plans based on initial trends of the past decade," he states in the letter. Arguing that the area may attract residents in the future who will view access to automobiles in a different light, Markowitz says that one of the country's most transit-rich neighborhoods needs parking mandates in cases when public transportation is inadequate for the intended journey.
And in fact he d like to attach cheapest car rental in canada some conditions cheapest car rental in canada to relaxed parking minimums in new development. Echoing CB 2, Markowitz wants the zoning code to create further incentive for developers to utilize the inclusionary housing program, by triggering the reduced parking requirements for market-rate units only if at least 20 percent of a project's units are affordable. It should be noted that lowering cheapest car rental in canada parking minimums is, on its own merits, a way to reduce the cost of housing .
The most headline-grabbing of Markowitz's recommendations was his call for DCP to increase its existing  bicycle parking requirements  in downtown Brooklyn by 50 percent, to accommodate the higher rate of bicycle travel in the area. Referring to not-so-subtly to his opposition to the Prospect Park West bike lane, Markowitz s press release cheapest car rental in canada claims that this refutes "erroneous claims from critics that my office doesn't advocate enough for the bicycle community."
Other recommendations include extending a provision of the zoning code that enables shared parking between different developments to all commercially zoned areas in downtown Brooklyn, except cheapest car rental in canada along Atlantic Avenue. Shared parking eliminates the assumption that every destination should have its own parking supply, and parking reform experts view it as an important advance in how cities manage the parking supply.
There s one way in which Markowitz wants to make it easier to build parking in Downtown Brooklyn. Citing concern that daytime parking availability will decrease as public surface parking is replaced by development, he recommends that the zoning code lower the approval barriers for construction of above grade parking by requiring City Planning Commission Chair certification in lieu of the more complex special permit process.
Now that Markowitz has held a public hearing and offered his complete recommendations, the proposal now goes before cheapest car rental in canada the City Planning cheapest car rental in canada Commission, which can accept, reject or modify DCP s zoning change. From there, the proposal goes to the City Council.
I think it speaks volumes of how the legitimacy of cycling has grown when a person like Marty Markowitz actually feels the need to do something cheapest car rental in canada substantive like increase bicycle parking requirements to refute the notion that he is anti-bike.
As for Mr. Markowitz, I m glad we can agree on parking reform. However, his pro-bike cheapest car rental in canada claim is laughable. He is expending almost zero political capital to advocate for more bike parking in currently vacant space. He expended a TON of political capital arguing against the PPW bike lane and hasn t relented. Sorry Marty, you re still an anti-bike schmuck in my book.
I ll be renting a car more soon for that reason.  And you know what?  Rental cars are cheaper in Manhattan than in Brooklyn, for the same person (with the same driving record) renting from the same company, cheapest car rental in canada the same car on the same day.
The rental companies once blamed vicarious liability for high rental costs.  A Sheldon Silver special, this allowed people to sue the rental companies for anything the renters did, such as use the car for a getaway from a violent robbery.  More violent felons in Brooklyn, and thus higher rental car costs.
I don t mind adding off-street parking so long as it s paired with converting on-street parking to loading zones, sidewalks, trees, and bike lanes. The most ridiculous thing is when you see cheap or free on-street parking in front of a parking lot that knows they can charge higher. When the city doesn t think like a capitalist, they run the risk of the free market evangelists crying about inefficient government, or possibly even running for office.
Markowitz does not go so far as to support removing parking minimums entirely. "We should not make future plans based on initial trends of the past decade," he states in the letter. Arguing that the area may attract residents in the future who "will view access to automobiles in a different light," Markowitz says that one of the country's most transit-rich neighborhoods needs parking mandates in cases when "public transportation is inadequate for the intended journey."
cheapest car rental in canada This is absurd. Somebody who wants a car should take parking into account and should make sure to live somewhere that parking is available. On the flip side, somebody who doesn t want a car shouldn t have to pay for an unnecessary parking space.
Does Markowitz also think that every apartment cheapest car rental in canada should be required to include a dishwasher, whether or not the current occupant wants one, because in the future maybe more people will want dishwashers?
The problem is that we are trying to guess the right amount of parking by putting it into the zoning codes. These codes are slow to be set and even slower to change, and they are set according to an opaque political process.
cheapest car rental in canada One might think, naively, that allowing cheapest car rental in canada developers to include however much parking space they want would lead to a more efficient way of allocating space between parking and other uses. This would be true, if it weren t for the entitlement of free street parking. Setting minimum parking requirements for new developments serves only one purpose to reduce demand for street parking. The market for parking is robust, and without parking minimums we can expect that it would find an equilibrium fairly quickly.
However, we can also expect that such an equilibrium would be one in which demand for street parking increases. This would represent a cost increase for those who currently cheapest car rental in canada make frequent use of street parking.
If street parking were not free, but rather priced at a market rate, we could easily calculate the value of this entitlement. Then, if we still believed that it was worth preserving, we could give tax credits or some other kind of transfer payment to people to compensate cheapest car rental in canada them for the cost of on-street parking.
Developers, CB 2: Let s Repurpose Downtown Brooklyn s Empty Parking June 21, 2012 17 DCP Proposal Will Cut Downtown Brooklyn Parking Minimums in Half June 4, 2012 5 This Week: Downtown Brooklyn Parking Reform Public Hearing July 23, 2012 0 DCP Bringing Parking Reform cheapest car rental in canada to Downtown Brooklyn June 1, 2012 5 If DCP Won t Scrap Downtown BK Minimums, Is Broader Parking Reform Dead? June 5, 2012 12
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