вторник, 3 декабря 2013 г.

* Scheduled air seats from U.S. West declined 4.8 percent compared to last October. Increased servic

October 2013 was the second month that total visitor expenditures (-2.6% to $1.1 billion[1]) and visitor arrivals (-1.6% to 636,245 visitors) to Hawaii were less than the previous southern california vacation rentals year, according to preliminary statistics southern california vacation rentals released by the Hawaii Tourism Authority.
Expenditures by U.S. West visitors for the month of October 2013 fell 7 percent to $350.8 million, southern california vacation rentals as a result of decreases in arrivals (-8% to 234,274 visitors) and daily spending (-1.1% to $155 per person). U.S. East arrivals dropped 3.8 percent to 112,807 visitors and U.S. East visitor expenditures totaled $236.7 million, down 2.2 percent compared to October 2012.
Japanese arrivals rose 9.4 percent to 139,025 visitors in October 2013. However, lower daily spending (-10.5% to $293 per person) resulted in a 2.3 percent decline in Japanese visitor expenditures to $232.4 million. Canadian visitor expenditures grew 1.3 percent to $59.4 million, boosted by a 4.8 percent growth southern california vacation rentals in arrivals (to 29,957 visitors).
Arrivals from All Other markets were up 4.8 percent to 95,434 visitors, with significantly more visitors from Oceania (+27.1%) and a 9.6 percent growth from Europe. Arrivals from Other Asia (-0.9%) were comparable to last October.
There were 851,205 total air seats to Hawaii in October 2013, up 1.3 percent compared to 2012. Growth in scheduled seats from Oceania (+54.5%), Other Asia (+20.8%) and Japan (+12.3%) offset declines from U.S. West (-4.8%) and U.S. East (-8.7%).
Expenditures by U.S. West (+5.8% southern california vacation rentals to $4 billion), U.S. East (+5.9% to $3 billion) southern california vacation rentals and Canadian (+1.7% to $806.3 million) visitors increased, but expenditures by Japanese southern california vacation rentals visitors declined (-7.8% to $2.1 billion). Arrivals from U.S. West (+3.3%), U.S. East (+1.1%), Japan (+3.9%) and Canada (+3.1%) showed moderate growth, while arrivals from Oceania (+29.9%), Other Asia (+21%), southern california vacation rentals Europe (+10.5%) and Latin America (+21.4%) were much higher compared to year-to-date 2012.
Maui (+8.7% to $3.1 billion; southern california vacation rentals +3% to 1,973,976 visitors), Hawaii Island (+16.7% to $1.6 billion; +3.2% to 1,222,831 visitors) and Kauai (+14.6% to $1.2 billion; +4.1% to 941,307 visitors) showed growth in visitor expenditures and arrivals compared to the first 10 months of 2012. Visitor expenditures on Oahu dropped (-3.6% to $6.1 billion) despite increased arrivals (+5.4% to 4,281,747 visitors), which was offset by lower daily spending and shorter length of stay.
* The drop in U.S. West arrivals in October 2013 (-8%) corresponded with the decrease in scheduled air seats for this market. Arrivals from the Pacific and Mountain regions fell 9.5 percent and 3.1 percent, respectively. There were fewer visitors from California (-10.9%), particularly from the San Francisco metropolitan area (-12.7%), the Los Angeles metropolitan area (-9.9%), and San Diego (-9.1%). southern california vacation rentals Arrivals from Washington (-6.3%) and Arizona (-6.5%) also declined. The first 10 months of 2013 showed southern california vacation rentals growth in arrivals from the Pacific (+1.9%) and Mountain (+5.6%) regions compared to year-to-date 2012.
* Arrivals from U.S. East fell 3.8 percent from October 2012 with decreases southern california vacation rentals from all U.S. East regions. South Atlantic and East North Central, the two largest regions, dropped southern california vacation rentals 8.1 percent and 2.1 percent, respectively. For the first 10 months of 2013, arrivals increased from the Mid-Atlantic (+8%) and New England (+4.6%) regions, southern california vacation rentals but declined from West South Central (-3%), East South Central (-2.8%) and East North Central (-1.2%) regions.
* Arrivals from Australia rose 21 percent to 28,511 visitors in October 2013 and arrivals from New Zealand climbed 84.4 percent to 4,627 visitors. For the first 10 months of 2013, arrivals from Australia rose 25 percent while arrivals from New Zealand jumped 75 percent compared to year-to-date 2012.
* Arrivals from Korea fell 13.2 percent to 12,721 visitors in October 2013, after 16 months of consecutive growth. Arrivals from China dropped 7.4 percent compared to October 2012, to 10,307 visitors. Supported by new service, there were four times more visitors from Taiwan in October 2013 (3,052 visitors from 674) compared southern california vacation rentals to a year ago. Year-to-date, 2013 showed large gains in visitors from Korea (+17.8%), China (+13.4%) and Taiwan (+198.1%) compared to the same period southern california vacation rentals last year.
* The total number of visitors who came for meetings, conventions and incentives (MCI) decreased 30.8 percent to 26,701 visitors. Convention southern california vacation rentals visitors declined 43.4 percent with losses mainly from U.S. West and U.S. East. Convention activities in October 2013 were moderate, compared to October 2012 which included an event with 4,000 delegates. Fewer visitors also came for corporate meetings (-9.8%) and traveled on incentives (-3.3%). For the first 10 months of 2013, total MCI visitors increased 9.7 percent to 393,231 visitors, as growth in incentive visitors (+48.6%) compensated for fewer corporate southern california vacation rentals meeting (-6.8%) and convention (-1.8%) southern california vacation rentals visitors.
* Daily spending by Japanese visitors has been lower in nine out of 10 months southern california vacation rentals compared to 2012. For the first 10 months of 2013, daily spending on shopping by Japanese visitors declined 19 percent (to $77 per person). Spending on lodging (-5.4% to $104), entertainment and recreation (-5.6% to $19) were also down compared to year-to-date 2012.
* Among U.S. East visitors, condominium usage (+5.8% to 17,404) increased but fewer stayed in hotels (-7.7% to 69,768) and timeshare (-5.5% to 12,877) compared to October 2012. More Japanese visitors also stayed in condominium properties (+20.1% to 10,842) compared to last October.
Oahu: Total arrivals to Oahu rose 2.2 percent from October 2012 to 399,147 southern california vacation rentals visitors. However, lower daily spending (-8.1% to $213 per person) and a shorter length of stay (-4.4% southern california vacation rentals to 6.53 days) resulted in a 10.2 percent decrease in total visitor expenditures to $555.5 million. There were more visitors to Oahu from Japan (+9.4%), Canada (+10.9%), Australia (+23.3%), New Zealand (+79.1%) and Europe (+16%), but fewer visitors from U.S. West (-8.1%), U.S. East (-3.4%), Korea (-13.1%) and China (-6.3%) compared to October 2012.
Kauai: Arrivals to Kauai also increased by 2.2 percent to 86,260 visitors in October 2013. Higher daily spending (+9.8% to $178 per person) southern california vacation rentals and a longer length of stay (+2.9% to 7.40 days) contributed to a 15.4 percent growth in total visitor southern california vacation rentals expenditures to $113.4 million. There were more visitors to Kauai from U.S. East (+3.7%) and Canada (+11.9%) but fewer visitors from Japan (-19.4%).
Maui: Despite a drop in arrivals to Maui (-2.6% to 173,790 visitors), higher daily spending (+1.5% to $184 per person) and a longer length of stay (+2.3% to 8.20 days) contributed to a 1.1 percent growth in total visitor expenditures to $262.9 million. southern california vacation rentals There were more visitors from Japan (+35.6%), Australia (+22.2%) and Canada (+1.5%) but fewer from U.S. West (-9.9%) and U.S. East (-3.1%).
Hawaii southern california vacation rentals Island: Similar to Maui, arrivals to Hawaii southern california vacation rentals Island declined compared to October 2012 (-8.1% to 104,194 visitors). However, much higher daily spending (+14.6% to $186 per person) and a longer average length of stay (+6.1% to 7.37 days) bolstered total visitor expenditures (+11.7%) to $143.0 million. There were fewer visitors to Hawaii Island from U.S. West (-9.7%), U.S. East (-6%), Japan (-14.6%) and Canada (-8.2%) southern california vacation rentals compared to October 2012.
* There were a total of 851,205 air seats to the state in October 2013, up 1.3 percent from a year ago. Total air seats increased for Honolulu (+4.6% to 631,823) and Hilo (+2.8% to 3,388) but declined for Kahului southern california vacation rentals (-7.1% to 126,546), Lihue (-7.5% to 42,850) and Kona (-7.6% to 46,598).
* The number of scheduled air seats rose 1 percent from October 2012 to 843,432 seats. Domestic charter seats declined 5.6 percent due to fewer seats out of Las Vegas. International charter seats tripled southern california vacation rentals from October 2012 to 3,081 seats with a number of extra flights from Japan and Seoul and one from Pago Pago.
* Scheduled air seats from U.S. West declined 4.8 percent compared to last October. Increased service from Anchorage, Bellingham, Denver, Portland and San Francisco were offset by discontinued service from Fresno and reduced service from Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Oakland, Phoenix, Sacramento and San Jose.
* Seats from U.S. East dropped 8.7 percent southern california vacation rentals from October 2012. Flights out of Washington D.C. were reduced to once a week in October 2013 compared to daily flights last October. There were also fewer seats from New York JFK and Dallas, which were partially offset by increased service from Chicago, Houston and Newark.
southern california vacation rentals * Oceania air seats climbed 54.5 percent, southern california vacation rentals boosted by a tripling of seats from Auckland. In addition, routes from Brisbane and Melbourne, which started at the end of 2012, and increased service from Sydney contributed to the growth in air seats from Australia.
* Scheduled seats from Other Asia rose 20.8 percent from October 2012. Air seat capacity out of Shanghai increased 53.4 percent (to 3,696). There were 6,585 new seats out of Taiwan from October 2013. In contrast, reduced service by Korean Airlines caused southern california vacation rentals a decline in scheduled seats from Seoul (-1.6% to 32,344).
* For the first 10 months of 2013, total air seats grew 6.3 percent, with increased seats to Honolulu (+8%), Kahului southern california vacation rentals (+4.3%) and Lihue (+3.5%) offsetting fewer seats from Hilo (-18.6%) and Kona (-2.1%). There were significantly more scheduled seats from Oceania (+49.2%) and Other Asia (+21.7%) compared to the first 10 months of 2012. Scheduled seats from U.S. East (+10.5%), Japan (+7.7%) and U.S. West (+3%) also increased, while the number of seats from Canada were about the same as year-to-date 2012.
* A total of 33,277 visitors came by cruise ship or by air to board cruise ships in October 2013, down 9 percent while total cruise visitor days fell 5.7 percent compared southern california vacation rentals to October 2012. The average length of stay by all cruise visitors was 6.82 days.
* In October 2013, 24,748 visitors entered the islands by cruise ships, down 11.4 percent. One less cruise ship came in October 2013 compared to a year ago and seve

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