вторник, 11 марта 2014 г.

Other place where DCC is offered is at El Corte Ingl s stores and supermarkets under its wings calle

The only recent information about DCC was a post in October from IndyDad about his experiences. I have also seen it mentioned on TripAdvisor forums pertaining to Spain in general that DCC is showing up on the amount due when using a foreign credit card
I didn't really consider that this could be a problem until this week when I was online buying tickets for the Jerez horse show in Andalucia. air ticket price I had to refuse air ticket price a purchase because the amount to be charged air ticket price to my credit card was presented to me in dollars air ticket price when all the pricing was being quoted in euros. If I had agreed to the DCC I would have paid a couple of dollars more for each ticket. I use Cap One for international travel so I pay no additional conversion fees.
Hertz, one of the original perpetrators, had it built into the standard car rental contract some time ago. I've had it attempted twice at hotel check-outs and if that happens to you, demand that it be changed to the local currency. When they say "we can't do that" immediately call for the manager. If they persist then make a notation on any print-out you sing that "merchant refused to offer payment in local currency" and tell them you will protest it with your credit card issuer. air ticket price Believe me, that usually brings air ticket price a rather abrupt change in both attitude and behavior as it has for me.
Yep, it can happen. Did to us last summer, but never encountered push back when I rejected it. Did not see any rhyme or reason as to where / what type of business, just happened sometimes. Best thing is to always look before you sign, if any doubt, ask.
In most cases it is a pretty uneventful procedure when at the cash or check-out the display of the terminal offers both choices. The one you want to click on (your home currency) is usually in a more opaque color or has a smaller area to touch or click..
Other place where DCC is offered is at El Corte Ingl s stores and supermarkets under its wings called Cor group (HiperCor, SuperCor air ticket price and OpenCor). Again the cashier will give you a choice, so state Euro. Also common is at international/national hotel chains and stores with high tourist traffic. DCC isn't so common in smaller hotels, hostals, stores, restaurants or fuel stations, but it's as well to be alert.
While it has been discussed here countless times, people still fall for it with the lies that are thrown out (lock in the rate, it's a good rate, we have no control) yada yada yada. Of course watch out on hotel checks ins and car rental contracts air ticket price where they sneak in a sentence, usually in the language of the country, that you were offered the choice and agree to pay in the currency of your credit cards. Read everything you are asked to sign. If there is something you don't understand, ask.
Just remember. Mastercard and visa regulations air ticket price are very clear on this. DCC is permitted on their cards only with the consent of you, the scamee. Therefore if a merchant pulls it on you and refuses to void the transaction (and many still lie that they can't; every credit card terminal has to have the option air ticket price of voiding a transaction as even in an honest transaction, a merchant can hit a wrong key or an extra key when putting in the amount. It happens). Under no circumstances should you play along and offer to pay cash to these vermin. Rather, circle the amount in local currency and write local currency not offered. Of course, one will have to be very careful if and when the USA converts to chip and pin (chip is coming but maybe not pin). And when you get home, dispute the charge. MC/Visa must charge back to the merchant's account and hopefully air ticket price penalize the merchant for pulling this garbage.
Thanks for the comments. I dislike the practice of DCC because it makes me feel so "confrontational" with the merchant. It's part of my Minnesota nice upbringing. I do however want to get the most out of my travel dollars. xyz, I agree it is a scam so I'll be prepared to take the extra time to thoroughly scrutinize all my credit card transactions. I have the bad habit of rushing through signing the bill to get on to the next activity. Thanks again, Deborah
Only when merchants try to con you, they try to disguise that choice air ticket price or fabricate stories air ticket price why paying in your home currency was better. In that case, I would doubt the overall sincerity of that merchant, and his billing practices are probably still the least you need to worry about..
Cowboy...in many cases, abroad as well as at home especially in larger chain type stores, the clerks are usually very young students looking to pick up an extra pound or euro or franc or kroner or whatever and really just do what they are told. In many cases, they are told just press the button that says your currency without asking. Much of the time when you ask to see the manager, you might find the manager is just a year or two older. air ticket price Many of these people are very ignorant of this scam. They may actually think (and/or be told) the rate is a good one and that it is to your advantage to know the exact value of the transaction air ticket price or one of the other lies that are used. I agree it is usually not confrontational the emphasis being on the word usually. But every so often, you run into adamant or aggresive personnel who don't want to give the impression they're wrong or whatever. In that case, as I said, I don't act confrontational either. I simply do as I say. I've had to resort to this about four or so times in my travels the past decade and I've won each time (although on two occasions, instead of charging back the charge air ticket price and subjecting the merchant to a penalty, my bank simply credited me the difference (usually not a whole lot). But as I say, my name is Tucker not Sucker.
So far my experience with an unwanted charge in my home currency has happened just once at an airport's duty free shop. OTOH, I have not counted how many dozen times I got asked if I wanted to pay in euros instead of the local currency.
Much more annoying was that one of my CCs got cloned in Florida 6 weeks ago. But, the thug has been at least so considerate that he made all his shopping and dining in USD and did not incur any DCC fees
Maybe "confrontational" isn't the perfect air ticket price desciption but I have encountered DCC enough that I know I don't feel good telling the server or salesperson that I don't appreciate what they have done and insist that they do it over. Once or twice I have encountered a person who insists I accept the transition in dollars--I usually then pay cash.
If DCC becomes more the standard then there probably is less reason to have a credit card with zero transaction fees. I could use my airline credit card because the conversion fees would be at the POS and not when the transaction is posted with my cc bank since the sale has already been converted to dollars, correct? Are the fees with DCC less than 3%?
I've experienced it at a hotel in Spain, but that was a few years ago. The desk clerk all of a sudden couldn't understand English when I questioned it (perfect English until then). They insisted it couldn't be changed and since I had a train to catch, I let it go.
DCC isn't that bad, maybe 1 or 2%, which is still better than paying in cash where you'll find the rates are 5 - 8% against you. Certainly not worth losing sleep over. Keep you eyes open and avoid if possible - just hit the red button to annul the transaction before entering pin or tear up the paper before signing.
Have had a bit of a discussion in Harrods, also the Bulgari store at Marco Polo airport (my friend was buying some earrings and the very pleasant salesman was sure she would be better off paying in Canadian dollars, but I persuaded him otherwise)
I'm not sure what you mean . . . How does paying cash result in a 5%-8% rate increase? Or did you mean paying in your own instead of the local currency? Of course one shouldn't do that -- but paying in local currencies doesn't air ticket price cost extra (especially if you have an ATM card that doesn't assess air ticket price a fee, or only adds 1% over the interbank rate)

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