среда, 27 ноября 2013 г.

Get Involved Unlike the other 49 U.S. States, Hawaii has no cities or municipalities, except in name

Get Involved Unlike the other 49 U.S. States, Hawaii has no cities or municipalities, except in name. Yet, despite the fact that our lowest level of government is at the county level, individual communities have their own identities bed breakfast accommodations in paris and seek to express these in their planning bed breakfast accommodations in paris and development. Many island communities establish volunteer community bed breakfast accommodations in paris associations to represent their interests to county and state government.These associations participate in community planning and improvements and are taken seriously by government. In fact, the Maui County Council often insists on hearing from community associations on matters that come before them. The Kihei Community Association fills this need in South Maui. The KCA is widely considered to be the most active organization of its kind on Maui. Members of the Board of Directors bed breakfast accommodations in paris meet monthly. General Membership meetings are generally held the third Tuesday of each month. Join the KCA today and be part of a growing comunity! bed breakfast accommodations in paris Annual membership fees are as follows: 2008 KCA Membership Schedule Membership Level Cost Individual/Family $ 25 Silver $ 50 Gold $ 100 Business $ 100 Silver $ 250 Gold $ 500 Sponsorships are also available
bed breakfast accommodations in paris Join the KCA! Thank you for your interest and support in the Kihei Community Association. Get involved bed breakfast accommodations in paris with your community. Help the KCA make Kihei a wonderful place to live and visit. Your support is deeply appreciated.   Other Ways to Join: We prefer that you join the KCA or renew your membership online with a credit card using the link above, but we are happy to accept a traditional paper application paid by check. You can download the application by clicking the link below: [caption id="attachment_1015" align="alignleft" width="75" caption="Membership bed breakfast accommodations in paris Application & Renewal bed breakfast accommodations in paris "][/caption] A completed application can be mailed to: Kihei Community Association P.O. Box 662 Kihei, HI 96753
Volunteer Opportunities "The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers."  ~Everett Mámor Do you live, work or vacation in Kihei Maui? Are you concerned in building a community that we can all be proud of? Do you believe bed breakfast accommodations in paris in the sustainability of our natural resources? Are you an activist for environment, infrastructure, parks, open spaces, the ocean or the youth of Maui? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then KCA is the place for you to get involved in the community growth and development. You can start by joining the association meetings to see where you can best apply your abilities. If you interested in any community projects that are coming up, please check our community section and calendar for news and information. Here are some great volunteer opportunities in our South Maui community… Every Monday workday with Hoaloha 'Aina or South Maui Volunteers. Volunteers work from 7:30- 9:30 at either the Kihei Boat Ramp or one of the Kamaole Beach Parks on a variety of restoration and native planting projects. Contact Bob or Lis Richardson at lisbob@hawaii.rr.com. bed breakfast accommodations in paris Help restore a historic Hawaiian Fishpond. At Ko'ie'ie fishpond in North Kihei, located next to Kalepolepo Park near…
Committees About The Committee System Due to the complexity of its work, KCA divides its tasks among committees. Each committee has its own meetings, within which each committee sets their own goals and objectives. bed breakfast accommodations in paris This creates considerable variation among the panels and allows KCA to be most effective in approaching many of the issues that we face as a community. As more volunteers join in with KCA we are able to create more committees to address specific issues that may be timely or seasonal. The main focus of our committees is to find solutions not just point out problems. You can learn more about our committees bed breakfast accommodations in paris by using the navigation to your left, or read about their programs in the community section by clicking on tags or searching the archives. Current KCA Committees: Planning Committee Services Committee Public Relations Committee See Our Road Design Guidelines: (right click "save as" to save to your computer)
Planning The Planning Committee is responsible to review and update the KCA Community Plan, handle any concerns or comments that come in from the public to the KCA office with respect to residential bed breakfast accommodations in paris or commercial projects within Kihei, provide input to GPAC recommendations, promote approved KCA projects with State and County, and complete Road Design Guidelines. Planning Committee Members: Steve Cordova bed breakfast accommodations in paris Michael DiBella Tom Douma Jon Miller Katrina Dang Yvienne Peterson Mark Hyde Greg Stratton Andrew Beerer Mike Moran Michael bed breakfast accommodations in paris Duberstein Patricia Stillwell Planning Review Documents: [caption id="attachment_1082" align="alignnone" bed breakfast accommodations in paris width="70" caption="Planning Review Procedure Rev.2"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_1082" align="alignnone" width="70" caption="General Planning Guidelines Rev.2"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_1082" align="alignnone" width="70" caption="Planning Review Application (PDF) Rev.2"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_1088" align="alignnone" width="70" caption="Planning Review Application (Word) Rev.2"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_1082" align="alignnone" width="70" caption="Road Design Standards Rev.1"][/caption] The Road Design Standards Rev. 1 is 8.5MB, and will take a long time to load in a web browser.  To save these documents to your local computer, right click the icon and select  "save target as" or "save link as" depending on your browser (Ctl+click bed breakfast accommodations in paris for Mac), and save to an appropriate location. Please See Project Reviewed By The KCA Planning Committee: Project Name Review Date Maui Research & Tech Park 2010 A&B…
Public Relations The PR committee  is responsible for, in addition to the obvious public relations, membership, fundraising, community relations, and monthly community meetings. This includes advising various media the details of all upcoming events such as community workdays, the annual fundraiser, occasions of public interest, as well as the monthly meeting. This group will be responsible for replying to all inquiries made to the KCA via phone, fax or email, determining various techniques to increase the KCA membership, and updating the KCA website, www.gokihei.org. Public Relations Committee Members: Jon Miller Michael Moran Carmel Patterson Bob Richardson Jorge Tirona Yvienne Peterson See our budget priority letter for 2010: Search for News and Articles from our community section: Find Related Content
Committee Application The Kihei Community Association is run by group of inspired citizens that believe that by working together we can make South Maui, the best place on earth, even better.  If you believe bed breakfast accommodations in paris that it takes involved citizens to strengthen a community and are willing to work along side others who share a common vision, then we welcome you to KCA's Ohana.  Please use the form below to signup to volunteer with us. [gravityform id=4 name=CommitteeSignup]
About KCA In the last year, the KCA has worked with county government, law enforcement, other community organizations, businesses, and individuals like you on growth, safety, infrastructure, bed breakfast accommodations in paris and quality of life issues in order to ensure that Kihei remains the best place on Maui to live and vacation. Our goals include bed breakfast accommodations in paris bringing a high school and hospital to Kihei, ensuring our parks are updated and maintained, and working with developers to ensure growth is managed and responsible. KCA member's involvement and volunteerism greatly impact and influence many aspects of our community. The Planning Committee works with developers bed breakfast accommodations in paris to ensure that all growth in South Maui is responsible and sensitive to our island lifestyle.  The Roads Committee bed breakfast accommodations in paris works with the County to plan and maintain our traffic infrastructure.  The Environment Committee works with the State and County bed breakfast accommodations in paris to keep our ocean and beaches clean.  The Parks Committee works with the County to keep our parks clean, maintained and safe. We are an organization that works together for the good of the community first.  We may not agree on all the details of what is needed nor the priority of the list but we work together hand in hand, openly and honestly.  We get…
About Kihei Hawaiians used to refer to the area of Kihei as "Kama'ole" which means "barren." Situated on the coast, southwest of Haleakala, the area was noted for its dry, dusty and hot days – with less than 13 inches of rain annually. An effort in the early 1900?s to establish a sugar plantation in the area met with failure. By 1930 only about 350 people made Kihei their home. There was no paved roadway. Other than non-native kiawe trees and good fishing spots, there was little to attract people to Kihei. Kihei History: In 1932 the government placed eleven beach lots up for sale. Only six were sold. Even by 1950, plots capable of being farmed sold for a mere 5 an acre. Residential property could be bought for as little as five cents a square foot. It seemed that aside from a few scattered businesses, no one wanted to live or work in Kihei.All of that changed in the late 1960?s when water was piped in to the area from Central and West Maui and developers saw an area ripe for sun-loving tourists. Between 1970 and 1980, development of Kihei was done with no real plan in mind. Lots were…
Board of Directors Officers President: Jon Miller Vice President:  Michael Moran Secretary: Steve Cordova Treasurer: Jorge Tirona Board Members Beerer, Andrew Cordova, Steve DiBella, Michael Douma, Tom Miller, Jon Moran, Michael bed breakfast accommodations in paris Richardson, Bob Tirona, Jorge
Mission Statement The objects and purposes of the corporation shall be to encourage, bed breakfast accommodations in paris promote and aid in developing, improving and maintaining the area of Kihei, Island and County of Maui, as a desirable residential community; to develop unified community spirit; to do any and all things to promote the health, safety and welfare of residents within the Kihei area; to encourage recreation and service programs, and programs to enhance bed breakfast accommodations in paris social life and community welfare within the Kihei area; to promote

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