среда, 27 ноября 2013 г.

"When I was in the fourth grade, I cheated on a math test and when I got the paper back it had '100'

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Woods has been in the spotlight on several occasions this year for rules violations and he was penalised with two-stroke luxury hotel spa washington state penalties in Abu Dhabi in January, the Masters and the BMW Championship in Chicago luxury hotel spa washington state in September.
"When I was in the fourth grade, I cheated on a math test and when I got the paper back it had '100' written at the top and just below the grade, was this quote: 'Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!'
"It was an oft-quoted line from the epic poem 'Marmion' by Sir Walter Scott, and my teacher's message was clear. Written once more beneath that quote was my grade of '100,' but this time with a line drawn through it and beneath that an F."
He added: "I remember when we only talked about Tiger's golf. I miss those days. He won five times and contended in majors and won the Vardon Trophy and ... how shall we say this ... was a little cavalier with the rules."
"There's nothing you can call a golfer worse than a cheater," luxury hotel spa washington state Steinberg said in a statement to ESPN . "This is the most deplorable thing I have seen. I'm not one for hyperbole, but this is absolutely luxury hotel spa washington state disgusting. Calling him a cheater? I'll be shocked, stunned if something is not done about this. Something has to be done.
He added: "Brandel Chamblee's comments are shameful, baseless and completely out of line. In his rulings, Tiger voiced his position, accepted his penalty and moved on. There was no intention to deceive anyone.

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