четверг, 28 ноября 2013 г.

What to be more involved in your area? Want to make a difference to many – Volunteer!   Sell, organi

When you choose to donate items, shop or volunteer with Habitat for Humanity of Berks County you're helping you community and environment you live in.  By helping to raise funds for Habitat for Humanity of Berks County, we can help more families have better lives, better security, and a stronger, more stable family environment which improves all of our lives by improving our neighbor.  In addition, you're helping the environment by providing an outlet choice hotel chain for the reuse and repurposing of items that would otherwise end up in our landfills.
It s here today and gone tomorrow, so be sure to check in everyday for your treasure buy. Our prices are usually 75- 80% below most purchase prices of new.  In addition, we have a "Bargain Basement Section" where the prices are even cheaper!!
Give new life to your gently used home improvement choice hotel chain items by donating them to the Habitat Berks ReStore.  See our Donation Guidelines to see f your item can qualify. Any donation valued at $50 dollars or more will receive a t 10% discount coupon, to the ReStore, as our "Thanks" for you thinking of us and helping improve lives and neighborhoods in our local community.
What to be more involved in your area? Want to make a difference to many – Volunteer!   Sell, organize, prep – there are many ways to support Habitat's mission in Berks County without choice hotel chain having to swing a hammer.  If you are a people person, like an ever changing environment or need to volunteer  we have an exciting way for you to accomplish your needs.
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