пятница, 3 января 2014 г.
Can t wait to see another airline flying from Amsterdam to Zagreb as they slowly becoming charter ai
The low cost airline Germanwings best credit card airline miles will launch flights between Hamburg and Zagreb next summer season. The year long flights are set to operate twice per week, every Monday and Thursday, best credit card airline miles starting July 10. The airline best credit card airline miles will use Bombardier CRJ900s on the route. Germanwings owner, Lufthansa, has transferred some of its CRJ900s to its low cost subsidiary. Germanwings operated the Hamburg - Zagreb service in the past, before best credit card airline miles shutting down its base. However, this time around the airline will operate with a smaller aircraft. Further flight details can be found here .
Germanwings best credit card airline miles new flights to Zagreb mark its continuing expansion throughout Croatia. Next summer the airline will launch flights from Hamburg and Dusseldorf to Rijeka and increase frequencies on its seasonal Dusseldorf - Split service from one weekly flight this summer to three per week next summer season. Lufthansa has decided to transfer most of its regional European flights from non-hub airports in Germany to Germanwigs. As a result, all of Lufthansa s seasonal flights from Berlin to Split, Dubrovnik and Zadar will be operated by Germanwings next summer season. However, Lufthansa will maintain operations on the Berlin - Zagreb best credit card airline miles service until further notice. The transfer of Lufthansa flights to Germanwings has been ongoing since early this year.
Germanwings best credit card airline miles Hamburg service will be the second new destination to be served out of the Croatian capital next year. It joins Etihad Regional, best credit card airline miles which will commence best credit card airline miles operations at the start of the 2014 summer season following its acquisition of Darwin Airline. It will inaugurate flights from Rome to Zagreb on March 30. Also, Turkish Airlines will add an additional four weekly flights from Istanbul best credit card airline miles to Zagreb best credit card airline miles starting January best credit card airline miles 20. As a result, the airline will operate two daily flights between the two cities. Zagreb Airport s new management estimates the airport will see passenger growth of 8% next year.
Can t wait to see another airline flying from Amsterdam to Zagreb as they slowly becoming charter airline .down sizing who is gaining with this Reply Delete Replies Anonymous December 22, 2013 at 10:25 AM
When Zagreb-Hamburg was served by Germanwings in the past, it was not suspended cos of low interest, it was suspended and all other routes, best credit card airline miles bcos the base was closed! OT: Hamburg-Zadar mon, fri, from 11.7. Hamburg-Pula from 10.7. tue, thu Düsseldorf-Zadar increase mon, wed, sat (1 flight more per week Düsseldorf- Split mon, tue, thu and sat (1 flight more per week Düsseldorf-Dubrovnik thu, sun, 1 flight more per week Hamburg-Dubrovnik tue, sun 1 flight more per week Reply Delete Replies Purger December 22, 2013 at 11:12 AM
ExYu where did you get information that Hamburg-Zagreb route LF was low? That is pure speculation. LF was high, I know I worked for Germanwings. Route was not suspend because of low LF, but because Germanwings suspend all flights from Hamburg exempt few flights to Cologne and Stuttgart which was operate by planes from those bases. Delete Reply Anonymous December 22, 2013 at 10:08 AM
Maybe a few new destination we might see, but without a passanger increase or CA network expansion there is a good chance that nothing important happens next year. Delete Purger December 22, 2013 at 11:14 AM
Ukoliko best credit card airline miles se crni scenariji (u kome koncesionar želi opljačkati) best credit card airline miles ipak ne desi, već koncesionar stvarno želi zaraditi širenjem prometa, realno je za očekivati slijedeće: 1. EasyJet otvara bazu u Zagrebu. ADPI ima i te kako jak utjecaj na EasyJet koji na njihovim aerodromima ima brdo letova (38 linija iz CDG i 19 iz ORY). Stoga ne bi nimalo problematično bilo potaknuti, pa čak i uvjetovati određenu suradnju i privilegije na ORY i CDG, baziranjem bar jednog aviona u ZAG. Uz to ne treba zanemariti niti francusko-nizozemsku LCC Transaviu kao potencijalnu LCC za baziranje jednog aviona (42 linije iz ORY). ADPI ima odličnu suradnju i sa Vuelingom koji ima 15 linija iz ORY (dobar dio nije u Španjolskoj). 2. Air France se također motivira za povečavanje letova CDG-ZAG. 3. KLM se motivira na otvaranje linije za AMS. 4. Povečava se broj chartera iz ZAG za Grčku, Tunis, best credit card airline miles Tursku, Egipat i Kanare, te se otimaju putnici LJU i Adriji. Za ovu svrhu nije nužna inertna CTN, već je moguće proširenje posla koje na CDG i ORY ima Europe Airpost (čak 34 linije iz CDG), Air Mediterranee (30 linija iz CDG i 11 iz ORY) ili XL Airways (32 linije best credit card airline miles iz CDG) 5. Najavili su interkontinentalnu liniju iz ZAG (najvjerovatnija JFK). U svakom slučaju najizvjesnija bi bila Delta koja je vrlo prisutna best credit card airline miles na CDG (12 linija sa preko 20 dnevnih polazaka), pa se istime može i motivirati na tako što, ali ne treba ni zanemariti neke druge, pa čak i Air France i Corsair. 6. ADPI operira i druge aerodrome. Nije baš vjerovatno da bi linije iz Zagreba mogle poletjeti za Amman, Tripoli, Islamabad ili Marsu, best credit card airline miles no u doglednoj budućnosti to i nije krajnje nevjerovatno. Konačno ADPI ima udjela i u nekim bližim aerodromima. 7. ADPI svakako ima utjecaj i na druge prijevoznike koji bi mogli otvoriti linije ili povečati frekvencije prema ZAG. 8. Cargo prema CDG, poglavito best credit card airline miles za FedEx koji ima 32 linije iz CDG, od čega njihov feeder Air Contractors leti i iz obližnje BUD, a i iz niza drugih zračnih luka koje su udaljenije od ZAG da bi feedale CDG linije FedExa na sve kontinente, dakle vrlo je vjerovatno da bi let ZAG-CDG za FedEx mogao krenuti best credit card airline miles vrlo brzo. 9. ADPI će svakako nastojati zadržati i motivirati (pa i financijski) CTN za zadržavanje i širenje linija u regiji, a ako to ne uspije svakako će potražiti novog portnera poput Trade Aira, HOP!, EasyJeta... 10. ADPI će nastojati privući sve oblike poslovanja poput generalne avijacije, poslovne avijacije, chartera, ad hoc letova, carga... U najboljem mogućem scenariju Air France ulazi u Croatiu Airlines koja prelazi u SkyTeam, otvaraju se linije SkyTeam partnera, a ZAG postaje regionalni hub za SkyTeam uz feeding linije prema PUY, ZAD, BWK, LSZ, SPU, DBV, OSI, SJJ, OMO, BEG, SKP, PRN, TGD, Delta otvara liniju za JFK, a ostali partneri dolaze u ZAG, prvenstveno Alitalija, Air Europa, Aeroflot povečava broj frekvencija, ČSA, KLM, TAROM, sezonski Korean (već godinama vrte chartere za ZAG). Delete Anonymous December 22, 2013 at 11:27 AM
Purgeru, koliko mislis best credit card airline miles da je realno da Zagreb dobije prekookeanske letove, i to pre Budimpeste i Bukuresta.. ? I Prag je tek skoro dobio jedan nedeljni let. Mislim da ce se ex-yu region nacekati dok ne dobije prekookeansku liniju. I BEG i ZAG. Delete Nemjee best credit card airline miles December 22, 2013 at 11:35 AM
I do not see why on earth would Delta launch flights to Zagreb before they would to Bucharest which is home to a much bigger Sky Team carrier. Not only that, they can t make Prague work as a year-round destination yet you believe they could pull off Zagreb throughout the summer season?! I just can t see it. I won t even mention Corsair- do you believe that Zagreb best credit card airline miles can fill almost 500 seats on their sardine-like jumbo? lol Then we come to your proposal of an Air France s regional base. You do know they attempted to introduce a slightly decentralized business model in France, right? It was a total disaster after the first few weeks. Only a few flights remained. Here we are talking about French cities which have a lot of demand and a relatively wealthy population. Even Lyon is being downsized as we speak! Lyon, which is the heart of French industry and one of the wealthiest regions in the country! So if these did not work, what makes you think the regional hub in Zagreb will? Also, they will need a much longer best credit card airline miles list of destinations out of Zagreb to justify this base, not just Paris and Amsterdam. I am sorry but I just do not see a loss making Air France being this adventurous. Your proposal of a lowcost establishing a base is far more logical. Delete Anonymous December 22, 2013 at 12:34 PM
Nemjee whatever I writhe here is thesis that ADPI will work to make airport very profitable and for that they have to bring more passengers. Personally, I am not so optimistic about their real intentions. But if they decide so, they have two possible ways to urgently increase passengers number. Today 75% of ZAG passengers fly from airports 400 around ZAG especially VIE, BUD, BTS, VCE, TRS, TSF, even ZAD (Ryanair), and charters from LJU, GRZ, SZG, LNZ, PUY, RJK, SPU By increasing airlines and routes, especially LCC and charters (which are very underserved in ZAG), for sure they will keep most of ZAG passengers to fly from ZAG. You can spend 150 EUR more to fly from ZAG if you have 2 pax, and that is what they spend today to fly from airports around (gas, tool, parking ). Second way is to bring some more passengers from region, especially Croatian passengers from DBV, SPU, ZAD, PUY, RJK, LSZ, BWK, OSI and OMO, and for those who have better deviation via ZAG than BEG (SJJ, PRN) + alternative to Air Serbia from SKP and TGD. In both those ways problem is Croatia Airlines. If they will not have good collaboration with Croatia Airlines for sure they will have to find new partner. And there we come to influence, motivation, best credit card airline miles black-mail etc. ADPI is in very good position to protect their investment by pushing her domestic company (same owner) to open mini-base in ZAG. For sure that would not be Air France (exempt on ZAG-CDG route and possible USA route), but HOP! About North America flights best credit card airline miles I doubt that is real in near future. Personally I thing it is fairy tale. This is why I wrote najavili su . So, ZAIC announce that. Why, who knows. But if they really put themselves a goal to open that route for sure they are in position to influence best credit card airline miles Delta who has 12 routes with 20 daily flights from CDG. I also predict some cargo flights to CDG. And just few days later they start to operate A330 cargo flight to CDG. I was surprised to see how fast they react on cargo field. One more time, for sure ADPI and Bouygues are very influence in France, and ADPI with so many air companies. They are in position to black-mail and motivate. And if they want to protect their investment.
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