суббота, 31 мая 2014 г.

We even have a group with the name "Moderatorene går amok, vi har fått nok!" wich means basically "T

Ever since the Public Rooms were removed (due to new room building standards), you have been begging for them to return. So in between other projects, our designers have been working on just that rebuilding the Public Rooms!
The room was made by Plaabu, rent car thailand one of our talented designers from the User Engagement Team, and to give it some extra excitement, it was decided rent car thailand that Habbos who managed to find the room accidentally, within the first 12 hours, would get an exclusive badge (designed by Plaabu, based on an idea that Neja had). If you didn t happen to catch a badge this time, don t be sad it won t be the last of its kind (and it won t only happen in .COM), this I was promised!
Please note: This is not an official release!! Once the Public Rooms we re relaunching rent car thailand are done, we will be rolling rent car thailand them out in ALL countries and you will be able to easily find them in your Hotel Room List. Next week we ll get back to you with some more in-depth information about the upcoming Public Rooms, which rooms are resurrected , and how it all came together!
How exciting rent car thailand to see the old public rooms return! And even better is the fact that the modernizing of them actually looks and feels quite nice too. I like the backstage area and the fact that it also in some ways function as a guestroom. That would ve been quite neat back in the day, during the staff held events rent car thailand in the great Habbo Hall (the theatredrome).
I m excited to see more sneak peaks of the other rooms as well. Great job and thumbs up to Plaabu. And ps. Make sure that Mark remembers to indulge some of us at the other hotels with stunts like these too! I surely could have shouted CAMBODIA louder than anyone else!
The only thing I m concerned about is the fact that these seem to show up with all the rest of the private rooms thus these public rooms being at the top of the list and the private rooms being at the lower end with fewer visitors. We don t want to lose all the people in our rooms, so I think the public rooms should get a list and/or tab/place rent car thailand of their own!
Wobble Squabble is something we keep hearing a lot about, I think there are functional problems in terms of development (aka resource problems) that has kept WS from returning thus far Every day is about priorities, maybe one day WS will have that priority :)
Jason usually posts to the German Twitter/FB pages, in his absence, I ve been doing it with Giorgo (who you can also find on Twitter) because we re not fluent in all these languages, we get some help from our translation team So long story short, the people that work with the Help Tool, are not the same people that post on Twitter/Facebook.
I love the new Theatredrome, just like the old, maybe a bit smaller and added a backstage, but overall it s awesome and I hang around in the room a lot now. Seems like a lot of users enjoy the room too, Thanks to Sulake who listen to us, let s hope for more great public rooms to come :D
Muy BN YO les tengo algunas ydeas de sonido de objetos pisadas rent car thailand del keko sonido del banzai y freensery entres otras cosas espero rent car thailand me respondan soy informático de la universidad del estado zulia Venezuela maracaibo
Love the new theatredome! The back room is very useful when it comes for people who d like to role-play with concerts or something of that sort. Also, I think the pool should return as well. The pool was the most attractable area in all of the hotel and the diving board was so much fun. The diving board, including the tickets, could make it to where people could spend more coins on the tickets, again, like back in 04- 06.
First of all, I just wanna say that Habbo is just getting rent car thailand better and better now. You’ve rent car thailand finally listened to all of the Habbos, wich is really great, because rent car thailand without the users, it wouldn’t be any Habbo in the firstplace! But, yea, some changes have come really fast, and there’s not too much info to get about the nearest future without stalking your blog, facebook or twitter updates – and don’t get me wrong because it is great that you go for the social things! rent car thailand -, and its not so much people who know about your blog or twitter, wich is the place where you’ll get all info.
So what I mean is that you should let all the people know about where to get info about your new updates, sneek peeks and other details from. Habbo.no – where i play – is a really small hotel with barely 800 users online each day, but just because we are few people, it doesn’t mean that we don’t want important or interesting news.
Another thing who would be a great idea, is if each hotel got a place where we could ask questions rent car thailand and get answers. The moderators doesn’t know a shit, so I don’t see the part of why we even keep them here. More moneys to save, huh? I have no idea of how good the moderators are in other hotels, but what I do know is that the moderators really, really sucks in Habbo.no.
We even have a group with the name “Moderatorene går amok, vi har fått nok!” wich means basically “The moderators goes bananas, we’ve had enough”, where we post silly answers we get from the moderators, pictures that show how much the NORWEGIAN moderators suck at writing norwegian. I’m pretty sure that you’ll get more happy costumers if you dropped the moderators ( at least in habbo norway.. ) and bring us a section where we can ask questions and get answers. If someone is doing something wrong, like scamming, they could just report it and all the reports about scamming and illegal things could go to a page where you can see all reports about illegal things, so its easier rent car thailand to go through things and easier to punish people who do wrong things. Im pretty sure that you can answer better than the moderators we have today, even if you answers in english or what language you speak (I know that Linn speaks/writes/understands a lot of languages, and I know that all of the workers at Habbo knows a bunch of languages together). And to get an answer in english is much better than getting an autoanswer rent car thailand wich we get 9/10 times, and the other 1 time, we get a yes/no answer.
So yeah, that’s about it i think, haha. I’m sorry if I wrote something wrong, I’m not used to write english :o But yep, Habbo, keep up the (really) good work! You are only going one place now, and that’s a better place than you ever have been before!
rent car thailand I agree that the blog and other outlets of information (such as twitter and facebook) should rent car thailand be better showcased on the actual Habbo sites. Bringing back the community tab was a great move to make, but I would also love to see it contain more spesific information, as well as more of the functions that was removed rent car thailand from the front page. Bringing more focus and energy into developing the hotel itself is also great, but spending some time figuring out how to most effectivly use the community tab surely rent car thailand couldn t hurt either!
In regard to your other concerns, you should know that there is currently being developed a new system where Habbos will more easily be able to help each other, called HabboCM (aka Project 514). You can read more about that project by checking out the url below. That program will hopefully make Habbos a whole lot less dependant on hep from the moderators, and more able to help each other and themselves. Who better to help and answer questions about Habbo than other Habbos?
Last night, habbo.es released rent car thailand 3,ooo units of the rare space bed. This has unfortunately caused inflation. Deman has dramatically decreased. No one is buying them. Prices range from $25-30 credits. Please, I need your help. Do something so that the rares are not devalued. They re all really beautiful, but an increase in the number of total units thatare released decreases value and demand. rent car thailand Perhaps release 1,ooo and not 3,ooo like last night. This season is very important to me and it makes me really sad to see how the furni can go from $50 to $25. Thank you and Happy holidays.
Last night, habbo.es released 3,ooo units of the rare space bed. This has unfortunately caused inflation. Demand has dramatically decreased. No one is buying them. Prices range from $25-30 credits. Please, I need your help. Do something so that the rares are not devalued. They re all really beautiful, but an increase in the number of total units thatare released decreases value and demand. Perhaps release 1,ooo and not 3,ooo like last night. This season is very important to me and it makes me really sad to see how the furni can go from $50 to $25. Thank you and Happy holidays.
Obviously, I am a messenger, rent car thailand a function I love, because I love being able to communicate with you guys – and although I wish I could fix the things that didn’t go as expected, or the things that annoy you or make you upset, it’s not all up to me, BUT me and the rest of the team behind this blog are all here to LISTEN rent car thailand to you.. and we are (even if we cannot always comment back on everything) we listen, take note, bring it to the right people.. because we do care, as much as you do :)
Easy there tiger This is not Linn s fault because she can t do anything about it. Sulake chose it to be that way and I think it s because of a very good reason. I feel with you however, and I understand your anger. Not everyone rent car thailand was able to get a hand on the rare egg unfortunately And using that kind of language won t get you any place. So please calm down and discuss with a proper language!
I agree on this one. Didn t really like the back room in the Theatredome. But it doesn t mind me since I m not too focused on the Theathredome anyway. Hope most of the public room will stays as they were, with a bit fix here and there :)
Made the price of the Purple rent car thailand Dragon Eggs drop and the Black Dragon Eggs skyrocket above them, I sort of know how he feels, like being robbed. It was worth 200c for a reason, rent car thailand money. A business is a business after all.
Love the new theatredome! The back room is very useful when it comes for people who’d like to role-play with concerts or something of that sort. Also, I think the pool should return as well. The pool was the most att

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