четверг, 23 октября 2014 г.

I spoke to a freind of mine reguarding this who is an amazing endrocrinologist and he suggested a cr

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I have been off for 6 months now and concidering an all out assault in gaining as much muscle mass as possible over a 24-36 week period then to follow this up with a 24 week cruise and then slip into 12 week cycles of blast cruise.
Also I am looking for opinions on the length of the cruise portion of the cycle after all recovery is not what I am looking for just to refresh the receptors so increasing amounts of AAS do not have to be used to yeild gains.
I always think as well, that if at any point you are admitted to hospital for an extended period your immunity will near vanish because you can't support yourself with your regular injections (MRSA for starters). I'm certain no doctor would prescribe testosterone even in this case.
I have been off for 6 months out of choice. I feel fine have no surpression and my blood work is A+, I have ran cycles lasting over 20 weeks and made a full recovery. When off cycle I have issues with cortisol, I am a highly stressed individual and I feel that test goes a very long way in controlling cortisol.
again I am fully aware I would be on Test for 40 years plus. My dad age 61 has been put on TRT by his doctor and feels instantly better (never cycled in his life). Come my mid to late 50s I would likely visit my doctor and be placed on androgel of simular so I dont worry, I know an ex competitive bodybuilder who has been on for over 25 years at stupid american airlines center in dallas tx doses and cruised at 500mg/w his doctor simply prescribed him TRT when he told him what he had done.
One thing is for certain that come the age of 50-55, im going on TRT and GH till I die either way. If my doctor will not prescribe it to me ill either find a new doctor or do it my self, so the way I see it is I have 20 years to cycle in. If this way of thinking means I live 5 years less so be it, as I believe american airlines center in dallas tx I will enjoy my life in my old age a whole lot better my dad certainly is.
I have a great PCT in place but I hate the feeling of comming off, I dont want to feel great for 10 of those 20 years and be in recovery for the other 10. obviously american airlines center in dallas tx I am refering to multiple cycles hear. When I come off I retain mass and strength well but cortisol spikes and I feel very emotionaly stressed.
Romper stomper your comment has no scientific american airlines center in dallas tx grounding what so ever. I would have every chance in making it to age 70, instead of cycling off I would simply be replacing my own test with sytehetic test. There is actually another side to the arguement that states this approach would help extend american airlines center in dallas tx my life as test combats cortisol and cortisl is seriously not my friend. I realise that the body is going to try and find a homostais balance with cortisol:test ratio but I would not have to endure post cycle spikes. Stress is indeed a killer.
The other reason american airlines center in dallas tx I am confident I will make 70 is my diet/lifestyle/training are excellent, I dont drink, smoke and I avoid 17aa AAS. The average man is sedentry and has poor diet and less than ideal life style. american airlines center in dallas tx Im confident I will make 90!
I spoke to a freind of mine reguarding this who is an amazing endrocrinologist and he suggested a crusie dose of 100mg/w of test-e with a next generation SERM namely toremiphene. american airlines center in dallas tx Repeated studies have shown 100mg/w of test-e with a SERM to have no surpressive effect on the HPTA, (yes read that again) or test without the use of SERM will have no surpressive effect american airlines center in dallas tx on the HPTA at 25mg/w
Post cycle the individual injects 100mg/w of test-e split into two weekly injections for a period of 4-6 weeks (4 weeks for short esters, 6 weeks for long). This stasis period is designed american airlines center in dallas tx to let all other compounds clear the system and for a hormonal environment simular to that of an average man to exist. american airlines center in dallas tx 100mg/w of week of test-e minus the ester weigth equates to around 9mg/d of test.
This stasis period is followed by a test taper. Now I know what your thining tapers dont work but we are not talking 800mg 600mg 400mg etc. We are Talking 80mg/60mg/50mg/40mg/30mg/20mg. In consecutive weeks.
The test stasis taper is designed for cycles lasting american airlines center in dallas tx 12-16 weeks and it is vital you only use test and a SERM not HCG/HMG this is used throughout the cycle and stops before the 6 week stasis period. both on paper and as I am told in real world applications (with blood work to back this up) this PCT protocol is proving to offer exceptional recovery with a seamless transation and no crash.
I have spoken both to the endocrinologist and the gent who devised this PCT about prolonged cycles and they were both in agreement that recovery american airlines center in dallas tx would simply take longer. forcycles lasting 24 weeks or longer I was advised to complete a test taper in a weekly manner as thus. 80/80/60/60/50/50/40/40/30/30/20/20.
Then you use 50mg Test E, and 50mg Masteron E per week or masteron prop, with test prop for the waiting period, and keep the ratio the same as you taper down as well (1:1, with the starting totol mg amount 100mg).
I have been bridging on 125mg of test E between cycles american airlines center in dallas tx for about 9 months now, although I do plan on experimenting with the longer Undecanoate ester as some point to reduce the frequency american airlines center in dallas tx of the shots while still keeping blood levels stable.
I don't do it as scientifically as you have outlined but I do taper off my cycle dose back to the cruising american airlines center in dallas tx dose and employ anti-catabolic drugs such as GH/Slin during the taper to help override the cortisol backlash.
I find I need at least 8 weeks of cruising american airlines center in dallas tx before Im even ready to contemplate upping the dose again. Which is in reality about 12 weeks from the point I start to taper off. I cant put my finger on exactly american airlines center in dallas tx why I just know instinctively that my body is not ready for it before then.
I have been bridging on 125mg of test E between cycles for about 9 months now, although I do plan on experimenting with the longer Undecanoate ester as some point to reduce the frequency of the shots while still keeping blood levels stable.
I don't do it as scientifically as you have outlined but I do taper off my cycle dose back to the cruising dose and employ anti-catabolic drugs such as GH/Slin during the taper to help override the cortisol american airlines center in dallas tx backlash.
I find I need at least 8 weeks of cruising before Im even ready to contemplate upping the dose again. Which is in reality about 12 weeks from the point I start to taper off. I cant put my finger on exactly why I just know instinctively that my body is not ready for it before then.
Interesting with HPTA recovery while running Torm, I've seem a similar article with Clomid. american airlines center in dallas tx I'll try and dig it out. It could be useful when bridging just to give the body a break from the HCG. thanks for the feed back I just what I was looking for. reps.
If I were you I would add a SERM and drop your weekly test dose to 100mg/w american airlines center in dallas tx as research shows no surpression with this protocol using Toremifene at 40mg/d. without Torm test intake american airlines center in dallas tx needs to be lower than 25mg/w in ordr to have no supressive effect on the HPTA. I would alsoadd in proviron as this again has not effect on the HPTA. Both Torm and Proviron increase sperm count and quality. Torm also has the added benefit of protecting against prostate cancer and actually having a positive effect on the HPTA. With all this in mind I feel HCG can be dropped during the bridge. Also it is vital to drop HCG if this bridge or stasis phase is followed by a test taper PCT.
Ill be running the stasis taper after a 24 week cycle to judge its effectiveness and then jump on to blast cruise and maybe attempt a stasis taper after 60-80 weeks of blast cruise. If I make a full recovery using the taper method I will have no reservations about being on full time.
i have not really come off aas for a couple of years now,Im 34 started by accident, ran a course, finished, had a few sh1t weeks so put a couple of shots of sus in to boost training and thats how it started, american airlines center in dallas tx just another shot if feeling a bit weak etc...
Then i didnt like the bloat that test was giving me so i went a year just running primo and masteron and occasionally a little bit of tren, i ran HCG every 3-4 days at 400iu while at same time running gh and slin PWO on training days, i also ran proviron at aroung american airlines center in dallas tx 150mg a day every 4 weeks for a few weeks...
Thought i better run some PCT so i didnt come of but run low dose Primo along with fast acting american airlines center in dallas tx shots pre workout american airlines center in dallas tx (ie test base, tren base, inject oxy etc) my thinking was primo would inhibit but not completely shut down HPTA, so PCT meds could possible american airlines center in dallas tx work, and by utilising very fast acting esterless aas Pre workout, test levels were only raised for a few hours so it would not cause further shut down.
I now have no current plans to come off, im fully aware that i will prob have to run some sort of TRT for remainder of life unless (which i have no problem with) i want to feel sh!te for a year or so why my body re-adjusts...
it is reassuring the fact your in a similar position and have managed to have kids as this is my main concern as i havent started a family yet but definately want kids in a few years .my plan then was to come clean whilst trying for kids then go back on afterwards
Hi redman, american airlines center in dallas tx you know my take on this, but i was a tad older when i decided to employ that method. Don't get me wrong i'm certainly not saying it's a bad idea for you, but it sure as hell takes a lot of fiddling and fine tuning which i am still working on as you know.
I think long blasts for me are ra

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